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Planning 2017-06-22 Item 4 - Foster High School Expansion and Birth to Kindergarten - Attachment E: Design Review Staff Report for Original Foster High School (8/25/1989)
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2017-06-22 Planning Commission / Board of Architectural Review - Foster High School Expansion and Birth to Kindergarten
Planning 2017-06-22 Item 4 - Foster High School Expansion and Birth to Kindergarten - Attachment E: Design Review Staff Report for Original Foster High School (8/25/1989)
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STAFF REPORT to tr( 8, ,•SPE, 89 -7 -DR, 89 -1 -CUP: <br />Planning Commission FOSTER HIGH SCHOOL <br />Page 9 <br />The main entrances to the gymnasium and auditorium facilities have been <br />located near the east parking area where most the participants will be arriving. <br />3. Landscaping and Site Treatment <br />a. Where existing topographic patterns contribute to beauty and utility of a <br />development, they should be recognized, preserved and enhanced. <br />b. Grades of walks, parking spaces, terraces and other paved areas should <br />promote safety and provide an inviting and stable appearance. <br />c. Landscape treatment should enhance architectural features, strengthen <br />vistas and important axis, and provide shade. <br />d. In locations where plants will be susceptible to injury by pedestrian or <br />motor traffic, mitigating steps should be taken. <br />e. Where building sites limit planting, the placement of trees or shrubs in <br />paved areas is encouraged. <br />f. Screening of service yards, and other places which tend to be unsightly, <br />should be accomplished by the use of walls, fencing, planting or combina- <br />tion. <br />g. In areas where general planting will not prosper, other materials such as <br />fences, walls and and paving s of wood, brick, stone or gravel may be used. <br />h. Exterior lighting when used, should enhance the building design and the <br />adjoining landscape. Lighting standards and fixtures should be of a design <br />and size compatible with the building and adjacent area. Lighting should <br />be shielded, and restrained in design. Excessive brightness and brilliant <br />colors should be avoided. <br />The applicant has proposed the addition of London Plane trees to match the <br />existing street landscaping and reinforcing the unity of the character of the (2) <br />public streets (42nd and 144th). The proximity of the parking area (east of <br />the library) and the appearance of structures and the activities as seen from <br />the adjoining residential development on the north perimeter of the site are <br />softened by the use of landscaping (trees, shrubs, and ground cover). <br />The proposed massing of landscaping (trees, shrubs, ground cover, lawn) at the <br />southwest corner of the site reinforces the entry's importance in the overall site <br />design. <br />In addition, this area at various times of the day will be an area of heightened <br />activity so that the massing of the trees will create a pleasing transition for both <br />students approach the walkway to enter either of the tall structures and resi- <br />dents walking past this area. A focal point has been created at the end of the <br />walkway (to the northeast) by the landscaping along the exterior walls and that <br />which is massed at the outdoor gathering area. <br />The third area where landscaping has been appropriately massed is near the <br />vehicular and pedestrian entrance to the east end of the activities building <br />which houses both the auditorium and the gymnasium, both very "public" <br />facilities which will be utilized often in the evenings. <br />119 <br />
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