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STAFF REPORT to tl <br />Planning Commission <br />II DESIGN REVIEW <br />FINDINGS <br />DISCUSSION <br />' -SPE, 89 -7 -DR, 89 -1 -CUP: <br />FOSTER HIGH SCHOOL <br />Page 7 <br />TMC 18.60.030 also requires Board of Architectural Review of the specific design of <br />the proposed high school complex and landscaping. <br />The Design Review guidelines are printed bold followed by pertinent findings of <br />fact. <br />18.60.050: GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA <br />1. Relationship of Structure to Site <br />a. The site should be planned to accomplish a desirable transition with <br />streetscape and to provide for adequate landscaping and pedestrian <br />movements. <br />b. Parking and service areas should be located, designed and screened to <br />moderate the visual impact of large paved areas. <br />C. The height and scale of each building should be considered in relation to <br />the site. <br />a. Streetscape, landscaping, pedestrians <br />Within the limitations of a small site, the applicant has setback the (2) struc- <br />tures from the property line (48 feet and 42 feet) and preserved open space for <br />needed outdoor facilities. The street setbacks allow for the inclusion of land- <br />scaping features (trees, lawn) to create a pleasant transition for both pedestrians <br />and adjoining development. <br />The proposed landscaping along both public streets matches the existing land- <br />scaping and the linear spacing of the London Plane trees will provide a pleasing <br />rhythm. <br />To provide for pedestrian movement, the applicant is proposing to add a 5 -foot <br />wide sidewalk for the entire length of the property along 42nd Avenue S.E. <br />b. Parking, service areas <br />Parking is separated into two areas. The future parking area is located logically <br />adjacent to the auditorium, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, and stadium. <br />Both parking areas have considerable depth from the public streets, thereby <br />minimizing the amount of frontage exposure. Both parking areas are land- <br />scaped within the interior areas as well as in perimeter areas where the land- <br />scaping will soften the appearance of the parking areas from exposure to the <br />public streets. <br />117 <br />