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Ms. Lindsay Brown 1111 <br />February 28, 2017 X111111111111 <br />2160226.30 »llJllJ /a „�% <br />Page 4 of 10 i�tgggp <br />The first phase of the project will be to house all kindergarten and pre - school from around the <br />District. Subsequent phases will add the infant and toddler programs, the timing for which is <br />not yet known. The total facility capacity will be 440 students and 28 classrooms, of which 290 <br />students and 17 classrooms will be full day kindergarten; 90 preschoolers plus infant and <br />toddler programs of 30 -40 children (in split half -day and full -day programs). Each age group <br />will have separate areas within the building and outdoor play areas. Project details include the <br />following: <br />• Pedestrian and vehicular access will enter the site from South 142nd Street along an <br />existing easement between the church property and the middle school. The existing <br />asphalt driveway adjacent to the church will be improved with new asphalt overlay, <br />sidewalk, and pedestrian scale lighting. <br />• An entry plaza at the south side of the building serving all students will help identify the <br />main entrance to the public and create a unique identity to the school. The space will <br />be designed to channel the public to the front door and students from parent vehicles <br />toward the building. A secondary entry at the west side of the building will <br />accommodate students being dropped off by buses. <br />• Staff and visitor parking provided at the south side of the school building. <br />Approximately 80 parking spaces will be added. <br />• Pedestrian walkways will guide pedestrians toward the front entry of the building and <br />are designed to minimize conflicts with the parent queueing and drop -off, which is <br />located at the northeast side of the parking area. <br />• The bus loop and parking is proposed at the west side of the building. Where <br />vehicular traffic enters the site, a simple 4 -way intersection is proposed to minimize <br />conflict between bus and car circulation at drop -off and pick -up times. <br />• Fire access has been provided through the parking and parent drop -off lanes along the <br />front of the building and through the bus loop and hard surface play areas to the north <br />side of the building. <br />• The service yard will be located on the southwest corner of the building; access to the <br />service yard will be provided via the fire lane / bus loop. <br />• The courtyard at the north side of the building will provide a large seating area and <br />flexible play areas. It will provide outdoor learning opportunities for students and serve <br />as a community gathering area at the same time. <br />• Interior and perimeter landscaping will be provided, per the City of Tukwila's Municipal <br />Code. <br />• Play areas for infants, preschool, and kindergarten students are proposed along the <br />north and east edge of the school. All play areas are laid out to facilitate easy <br />supervision of individual age groups and will be fully fenced for security. A variety of <br />age appropriate play equipment and activity areas will be provided, including hard and <br />soft surface play areas with play structures and a lawn play area. <br />146 1310130 <br />