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TIC 2017-08-15 Item 2D - Grant Application - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES): 2017-2019 Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant
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2017-08-15 Transportation and Infrastructure
TIC 2017-08-15 Item 2D - Grant Application - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES): 2017-2019 Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant
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1/14/2021 12:29:51 PM
Creation date
8/10/2017 10:14:52 AM
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
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Agenda Packet
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Introduction <br />The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) is soliciting requests for funding <br />assistance for the implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />(NPDES) Municipal Stormwater General Permits in Washington state including: <br />a Phase I Municipal Stormwater General Permit <br />• Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater General Permit <br />• Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater General Permit <br />Funding for this program is provided to Ecology by the 2017 Washington State <br />Legislature. Total funding available to each eligible recipient is $50,000 <br />This non-competitive grant program is available only to cities and counties covered by a <br />municipal stormwater permit. Ports, universities, school or drainage districts, state agencies <br />covered by municipal stormwater permits, or other secondary permittees are not eligible to <br />directly receive this funding. For information on local governments covered by the permits and <br />permit requirements, see Ecology's website at: <br />bitt ://wvvw.e a. ov/ o rams/w /stormwater/i unici al/index.html <br />Funding program purpose <br />This grant program will provide financial assistance to Phase 1 and Phase 11 local governments <br />for projects that benefit stormwater management programs and implementation of NPDES <br />municipal stormwater permit programs <br />NOTE: Capital construction projects are not eligible for funding through this grant progra <br />Applicant eligibility <br />This is a non-competitive grant program open to cities or counties in Washington State <br />covered by a Phase 1 or Phase 11 Municipal Stormwater General Permit. Ports, universities, <br />school districts, drainage districts, state agencies, or other secondary permittees are not eligible <br />to apply directly for this funding program but may partner with a permitted city or county. <br />In order to ensure that I) Ecology has sufficient funding available to reimburse grant expenses, <br />and 2) Ecology water quality dollars are maximized over the biennia and do not remain obligated <br />to projects that will not be requesting reimbursements for the full value of the grant award, <br />eligibility may be suspended for communities that have not spent capacity funding awarded in <br />prior biennia. <br />56 <br />
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