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2017-08-29 Transportation and Infrastructure Minutes
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2017-08-29 Transportation and Infrastructure Minutes
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
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Citv Council Transportation & Infrastructure Committee <br />TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 29, 2017- 5:30 p.m. - Foster Conference Room, 6300 Building <br />Councilmembers: Kate Kruller, Chair; Joe Duffie, De'Sean Quinn <br />Staff: Robin Tischmak, Pat Brodin, Gail Labanara, Laurel Humphrey <br />CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kruller called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />I. PRESENTATIONS <br />II. BUSINESS AGENDA <br />A. Sewer & Surface Water Capital Purchase: CUES MP+ Push Camera and Accessories <br />Staff is seeking Committee approval to purchase a CUES M+ push camera and accessories in <br />the amount of $12,716.00. Funding is available from the Sewer and Surface Water capital <br />machinery and equipment budgets. This camera will allow staff to reach structures and inspect <br />sewer and storm drainage lines that are not accessible with the camera truck and features <br />wireless integration for accurate record keeping. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. <br />III. MISCELLANEOUS <br />Committee members and staff discussed follow-up information regarding recent public comment <br />on the following topics: <br />a) Neighborhood criteria for Speed Cushion Pilot Project <br />Committee members reasserted the need for clearly stated eligibility criteria for pilot <br />projects such as the speed cushions installed this year on South 160' St. Other <br />neighborhoods have been asking for traffic calming measures for years and <br />Councilmembers are unable to explain why South 160th St was selected over other areas. <br />While that street is in the mix of many roads in Tukwila that have issues with speeders, it <br />doesn't have the high-density population nor high level of pedestrian traffic and students <br />walking to school as others identified by residents during Public Comment. Chair Kruller <br />noted that the optics don't look good to residents who notice the pilot was located near <br />where the Mayor and the Council President live and Councilmembers are asked for an <br />explanation. <br />The Committee agreed that data -based defensible criteria is key, and would like a staff <br />report on the criteria, duration of the pilot, and a work plan that matches the criteria set to <br />a schedule going forward. This will help people in Tukwila see it as a transparent process <br />that is fair and equitable to the casual observer. <br />
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