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Transportation and Infrastructure Agenda Packets (2017-Present)
2017-09-12 Transportation and Infrastructure
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9/7/2017 1:02:09 PM
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
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11:7111", KIM WI 11��! <br />2,1 Project Management <br />CONSULTANT will provide direction for staff and review of their work over the course of the project. This <br />work element includes preparing monthly progress reports, to accompany monthly invoicing, that include <br />the status of individual work elements, number of meetings attended, outstanding Information required, <br />and work items planned for the following month. <br />CONSULTANT will monitor the project budget weekly throughout the course of the project, This work <br />element Is intended to help monitor costs and budgets, and to propose corrective actions, if needed. <br />These actions may Include formal requests for increases, modifications, or reductions in scope. <br />Drawings and documents received and generated over the course of the project require review, <br />coordination, and file management. The status of requested information will also be maintained, <br />2.2 Monthly Invoices/Progress Reports <br />Monthly invoices will be prepared by CONSULTANT per CLIENT requirements for work activities for the <br />prior month. These invoices will include SUBCONSULTANT work and will be accompanied by monthly <br />progress reports, back-up materials for expenses, and show approved budget and amount expended to <br />date. <br />Qg_Ilyff_a§1es: monthly Invoices and Progress Reports (6 total), <br />2.3 Project Kick -cuff Meeting and Progress Meetings <br />After receiving notice to proceed, CONSULTANT will conduct a project team kick-off meeting with staff <br />expected to be involved in the project and key CLIENT staff, The meeting will be used to discuss critical <br />elements of the Scope of Work, the project schedule, document control, and CA/QC procedures; and to <br />clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the project team members. <br />This work element provides for the preparation, attendance, follow-up, and documentation of meetings <br />during the length of the project. These meetings will be the forums for CLIENT to provide input and <br />guidance for the direction of the project. They will also be used,to discuss project issues, approve <br />submittals, and develop potential solutions. <br />CONSULTANT will prepare for, attend, and document up to four (4) meetings with CLIENT staff. The <br />CONSULTANT will attend one meeting every month with the CLIENT's project manager for the duration of <br />the project. The meetings will be held in a location acceptable to CLIENT and CONSULTANT. <br />Deliverables: Meeting Minutes (4 total). <br />2.4 Quality Assurance /Quality Control Review <br />This work element is for the QA/QC review of CONSULTANT deliverables by a designated QA/QC staff <br />member of the CONSULTANT team, CONSULTANT will assign a Quality Manager to the project that will <br />be responsible for ensuring that quality reviews are performed at stages throughout the project and on <br />all deliverables. The review will cover field and office work on an on-going basis. QA/QC documentation <br />will be maintained and filed with project records. <br />City of Tukwila Scope of Services <br />Water System GIS Inventory August 24, 2017 <br />12 <br />
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