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*M <br />A A <br />61MUMMUM"110111— 0 11 ig Film I= 2 2:0111 VTO 91-111 <br />WHEREAS, Sprint Communications Company LP., hereinafter referred to as <br />"Sprint," is a telecommunications company that, among other things, provides high <br />capacity interexchange transport to telecommunications common carriers, including <br />data transmission, linkage to long distance carriers and other telecommunications <br />services to customers in the Puget Sound region', and <br />WHEREAS, Sprint's desired route through the City of Tukwila, hereinafter referred to <br />as "City," requires the use of certain portions of City rights-of-way for the installation, <br />operation and maintenance of a telecommunications system; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the use of portions of the City's <br />rights-of-way for installation of a telecommunications system is appropriate from the <br />standpoint of the benefits to be derived by local business and the region as a result of <br />such services; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council also recognizes that the use of public rights-of-way must <br />be restricted to allow for the construction of amenities necessary to serve the future needs <br />of the citizens of Tukwila and that the coordination, planning and management of the City's <br />rights-of-way is necessary to ensure that the burden of costs for the operations of none <br />municipal interests are not borne by the citizenry; and <br />WHEREAS, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) authorizes the City to grant and <br />regulate non-exclusive franchises for the use of public streets, right-of-ways and other <br />public property for installation, operation and maintenance of a fiber optic system and <br />transmission of communications; <br />W: Word Processinq\Ordinances%Sprint Franchise Agreement 8-11-17 <br />BGtjs Page 1 of 12 196 <br />