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State of Washington Department of Ecology <br />Agreement No: WQSWCAP-1719-Tukwil-00050 <br />Project Title: 2017-2019 Biennial Stormwater Capacity Grants <br />Recipient Name: City of Tukwila <br />11) Equipment purchases that result directly in improved compliance with permit requirements. Allowed costs for <br />equipment purchases must be specific to implementing a permit requirement (such as a vactor truck) rather than <br />general use (such as a general use pick-up truck). Qualified equipment purchases include but are not limited to: <br />a) Illicit discharge testing equipment and materials. <br />b) Vactor truck or sweeper truck or MS4 maintenance activities. <br />c) Electronic devices dedicated to mapping of MS4 facilities and attributes. <br />d) Software dedicated to tracking permit implementation activities. <br />As a deliverable, documentation of all tasks completed is required. Documentation includes but is not limited to: <br />maps, field reports, dates and number of inspections conducted, dates of trainings held and participant lists, number of <br />illicit discharges investigated and removed, summaries of planning, stormwater utility or procedural updates, annual <br />reports, copies of approved QAPPs, summaries of structural or source control activities, summaries of how equipment <br />purchases have increased or improved permit compliance. <br />Task Goal Statement: <br />This task will improve water quality in the State of Washington by reducing the pollutants delivered by stormwater to <br />lakes, streams, and the Puget Sound by implementing measures required by Phase I and II NPDES permits. <br />Task Expected Outcome: <br />RECIPIENTS will implement measures required by Phase I and II NPDES permits. <br />Recipient Task Coordinator: Greg Villanueva <br />Permit Implementation <br />Deliverables <br />Page 7 of 19 <br />Number <br />Description <br />Due Date <br />2.1 <br />Documentation of tasks completed <br />Version 10/30/2015 <br />8 <br />