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Page 2 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />March 2, 2017 <br /> <br />demolishment of the structure at 5290 Southcenter Blvd. <br />LOCATION: 5200 and 5290 Southcenter Blvd, APN’s 11572000013 and 11572000021 <br /> <br />Minnie Dhaliwal <br />, Planning Supervisor, Department of Community Development, introduced Lindsay Brown <br />the new Assistant Planner who worked on the Board of Review project being reviewed. <br /> <br />Lindsay Brown <br />, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development, gave the presentation for staff. <br />She asked each of the Commissioners the appearance of fairness questions. There were no disclosures and no <br />objections to the Commissioners hearing the case. <br /> <br />Staff provided, background information; site context; unique characteristics of the property; administrative <br />approvals, and design review criteria on the proposed project. Following are some key points pertaining to the <br />project: <br />- It is a Type 4 project because the cost of approval exceeds 25% of the assessed value of the building, <br />and the building is larger than 10,000 square feet. <br />- There will be one vehicular ingress and two vehicular egresses. <br />- The proposal will increase the building size by 29%. <br />- There were two administrative approvals, in February – Parking special permission to reduce the <br />required number of parking spaces from 113 to 107 spaces; and a sensitive areas permission to reduce <br />the buffer around the daylighted section of Gilliam Creek from 80 feet to 40 feet, it also granted <br />permission to re-landscape the buffer area with native plants. The approval will mandate a 5-year <br />mitigation monitoring plan program. It also includes approval to waive the setback of the building from <br />the edge of the buffer. <br />- The perimeter is a Type 1 landscaping perimeter. <br />- Landscaping in the bufferstream was previously approved administratively <br /> <br />Staff also went over design review criteria for the proposed design. <br /> <br />Staff recommended approval of the project with the following condition: <br />1. To update the lighting fixtures in the surface parking lot areas to ensure a lighting level of at least one foot- <br />candles in all paved areas. <br /> <br />Matthew Laase <br />, Jackson Main, Architecture, for the applicant, gave the presentation. Mr. Lasse said the <br />design intent of the project was to blend in with the environment. The following issues were taken into <br />consideration with the design of the proposed project: The location is an entrance into Tukwila; Respect of the <br />Gilliam Creek; Creating a garden area; orientation of the building; security, visibility, and the challenge of <br />connecting a modern building to a building built in the early 1980s. <br /> <br />Amber Mikluscak <br />, Senior Landscape Architect, for the applicant, noted that the environment of the project is <br />complex. Following are some of the goals for landscaping, expanded space; modernizing the landscaping to <br />bring it up to the current code standards with a cohesive look that meets the current code requirements; a <br />healthy restored buffer; Reducing the buffer to 40 feet will improve water quality in Gilliam Creek expansion; <br />creating an amenity for the staff and restoring the area with native plantings. Ms. Mikluscak said they will <br />submit annual reports to the City to make sure that the restoration area is meeting its mitigation thresholds. She <br />also said, an ecological assessment was completed. <br /> <br />There was no public testimony. <br /> <br />Staff and the applicant responded to questions from the Commission. <br /> <br />