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Page 2 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />December 14, 2017 <br /> <br />Staff responded to the following questions raised by Commissioner Strander: <br /> <br /> <br />Staff’ <br />1)What is the difference between exemptions and exception? : For an exemption – you do <br />not have to address the tree regulations. An exception is a way of dealing with a variance. If <br />there are some special circumstances that make it difficult or impossible to meet the <br />requirement of the tree code this process is to state the case. <br /> <br />2)How is the City going to fulfill/encourage more housing for single-family and multi-family and <br />Staff <br />keep the tree canopy? : The code requires to the extent possible trees be retained on site. <br />For multi-family defer to the Landscaping Code, for single-family there is no requirement. For <br />sub-divisions, try to preserve the trees that can be incorporated into the development, otherwise <br />there are street tree requirements for sub-divisions, and requirement for replacement in <br />sensitive areas. Also, try to maintain some protection of the trees on the older homes that <br />currently exist. <br /> <br />3)The current regulation states a person can remove four to eight trees – what if a property only <br />Staff <br />has eight trees and they remove them all, how does that keep the tree canopy? : it doesn’t, <br />a property owner is allowed up to four trees in a three period. <br /> <br />4)How much is a tree permit, how often does it increase, and what is the enforcement for not <br />Staff <br />getting a tree permit? : currently $116.55, the price increases annually, enforcement <br />consist of a courtesy letter requesting compliance and working through the process at the <br />highest and friendliest level first. <br /> <br />5)Is there a plan if the tree canopy falls below 47%? Staff: Not currently. <br /> <br />6)Is it correct that a residential home owner can prune a tree up to 25% and other trees up to 20%, <br />Staff <br />and no permit is required? : Yes, it’s 25% of the canopy other than fruit trees, without a <br />permit. <br /> <br />7)Which City Department is responsible for during the canopy assessment in the parks or the <br />public right-a-way, Would the condition of the tree also be assessed? Staff: primarily DCD, <br />partnering with the Parks n Recreation Department. The condition of the tree is a separate <br />assessment, regarding defects or health concerns. <br /> <br />Staff <br />8)What is a laurel? : An invasive species? <br /> <br /> <br />ACTION ITEMS: <br /> <br />- Bring back to the Commission, definition of significant tree size compared to other jurisdictions <br />- Send information to the Commission on the comparison difference of other Cities for significant <br />tree sizes as soon as possible. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hansen <br /> noted that the comparison of neighboring Cities <br />is quite important in their discussion and, said he was disappointed that the Commission didn’t <br />have the information for this discussion. <br /> <br />- Bring back to the Commission, documentation on Tree maintenance in the public right-a-way <br />(page 110) <br />- Provide a chart on significant trees 4” versus 6” <br /> <br />-Provide more information from the City Attorney on Injunctive relief <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />