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PC Hearing Minutes <br />June 23, 2011 <br />Mon Wig, the applicant, discussed the challenges with the property due to the location. Mr. Wig stated <br />that the proposed project is a good comprehensive approach that is complimentary to the architectural <br />design and the property. <br />TESTIMONY: <br />There was no public testimony. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The BAR deliberated. <br />COMMISSIONER HANSEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CASE NUMBER SII -034 WITH <br />STAFF'S FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION, AND FOUR CONDITIONS. <br />COMMISSIONER STRANDER SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. <br />FILE NUMBER: L11 -001 <br />APPLICANT: Mikel Hansen/Sabey Corporation <br />REQUEST: Amend Comprehensive Plan designation from Manufacturing Industrial <br />Center /Heavy (MIC /H) to Light Industrial (LI) on .62 acres (Tax <br />40423049184) for frrture development <br />LOCATION: 10200 E. Marginal Way, S., Tukwila, WA. <br />FILE NUMBER: L11 -002 <br />APPLICANT: Mikel Hansen/Sabey Corporation <br />REQUEST: Amend zoning from Manufacturing Industrial Center /Heavy (MIC /H) to <br />Light Industrial (LI) on .62 acres (Tax 40423049184) for ffiture <br />development <br />LOCATION: 10200 E. Marginal Way, S., Tukwila, WA. <br />Commissioner Hansen stated that he had a personal interest in file number L11 -001 and L11 -002, <br />and that he was recusing himself and leaving the room. <br />Rebecca Fox, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development asked the Commissioners <br />the Appearance of Fairness questions. <br />Commissioner Strander stated that she does not have any interest in this property, and explained <br />that when she recused herself on 4/28/11 it was because of the Issues and Opportunity report <br />regarding the Tukwila Manufacturing Industrial Center. <br />Ms. Fox gave a brief review of the annual Comprehensive Plan update process. On March 21, <br />2011, the City Council held a public meeting. They recommended forwarding this matter to the <br />Planning Commission for their review and for them to provide a recommendation to the City <br />Council. There will only be one public hearing on this matter, which the City Council will hold on <br />July 11, 2011, and after testimony from the public, they will make a final decision. Ms. Fox <br />explained that the PC has the options to approve, modify, or deny the request. Ms. Fox explained <br />that the current request was not considered with the MIC request previously heard, but is considered <br />to be a continuation of the 32 -acre rezone from MIC /H to LI that occurred several years ago. Since <br />future development will be a mixed Light Industrial Commercial and variety of uses, it will <br />potentially provide amenities for workers in the area, including those in the MIC. Business owners <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />