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EXHIBIT A <br />dcscribcd in thc Plans and Spccifications, and will obscrvc thc technical progrcss of <br />Ficld inspcction staff will perform thc following dutics as a mattcr of thcir daily activitics: <br />i. Observe teck +ca-I conduct of thc construction, including providing day to day contact <br />with construction contractor, City, utilitics, and othcr stakcholdcrs, and monitor for <br />adhcrcncc to thc Contract Documcnts. Thc Consultant's personncl will act in <br />accordancc with Scctions 1 05.1 and 1 05.2 of thc Standard Spccifications. <br />ii. Observe material, workmanship, and construction areas for compliancc with thc <br />Contract Documcnts and applicablc codcs, and notify construction contractor of <br />noncompliance. Advisc thc City of any non conforming work obscrvcd during sitc visits. <br />Document all material dclivcrcd to thc job sitc in accordancc with thc contract <br />documcnts. <br />iv. Prepare daily inspcction rcports, recording thc construction contractor's operations a, <br />actually obscrvcd by thc Consultant; includcs quantities of work placed that day, <br />contractor's cquipmcnt and crcws, and othcr pertincnt information. <br />v. Interpret Contract Documcnts in coordination with thc City and KPG. <br />vi. Resolve qucstions which may arise as to thc quality and acceptability of material <br />furnishcd, work performcd, and rate of progrcss of work performcd by thc construction <br />contractor. <br />vii. Establish communications with adjacent property owncrs. Rcspond to qucstions from <br />property owncrs and thc general public. <br />viii. Coordinate with permit holders on the Projcct to monitor compliancc with approvcd <br />permits, if applicablc. <br />ix. Prepare field records and documents to hclp assurc thc Projcct is administcrcd in <br />accordancc with thc funding rcquircmcnts. <br />x. Collect and calculate dclivcry tickcts and salesman's daily rcports of aggrcgatc. All tickets <br />will bc initialed with corrcct bid itcm and stationing idcntificd (Construction Manual <br />10 2). <br />xi. Attcnd and actively participate in regular on sitc wcckly construction meetings. <br />xii. Take periodic digital photographs during thc course of construction, and rccord <br />locations. <br />xiii. Punch list. Upon substantial completion of work, coordinatc with thc Client and affcctcd <br />agcncics, to prcparc a 'punch list' of itcms to bc completed or corrcctcd. Coordinate <br />final inspcction with those agcncics. <br />Assumptions: <br />• Consultant will providc part timc obscrvation services for thc days/hours that thc <br />contractor's personncl arc on sitc based on thc Contractor's specific activitics. Full timc sitc <br />obscrvation is not anticipated. <br />• Consultant will providc qualified personncl for inspcction of all bid itcm work. <br />• Thc Consultant's monitoring of thc construction contractor's activitics is to ascertain <br />whether or not they arc performing thc work in accordancc with thc Contract Documcnts; <br />2018 Small Drainage Program Page 4 KPG <br />Construction Management Services 8/15/18 <br />50 <br />