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Special Presentations: Prepares and executes presentations to convey city progress. <br />Special Event Coordination: (Groundbreakings/Ribbon Cuttings, etc.) Attend meetings, assist with all <br />aspects of planning, organization, sponsorship and promotion of events. Assist with set up and take <br />down of events, send emails and/or letter invitations or informational items, compile all necessary <br />resources (reading material, presenters, location, food, etc.), any necessary purchases, coordinate with <br />other agencies/businesses, get promotional materials designed and made. <br />Professional Services: Courier services, court filing fees, investigations, temporary assistance. <br />Administration Essential Services: General office equipment costs such as copier maintenance and lease <br />expense. <br />Administration: General administrative costs. <br />Records Retention, Management, Archiving, & Destruction: Retains, manages, archives and disposes of <br />records. Provides upkeep and organizes ongoing electronic files for ease of use. <br />Lodging Tax Applications Oversight & Support: Administration oversight of third -party funding requests <br />Marketing & Sales to Overnight Tourists: Funding third parties and city activities involved in marketing for <br />overnight guests. <br />Marketing & Sales to Day Tourists: Funding of third parties and city activities involving day visitors. <br />Budget Change Discussion: <br />Salaries & Benefits COLA increases were applied to salaries, and benefits were adjusted to account for <br />changes in healthcare and retirement. <br />Supplies and Services Over $100,000 of cuts were made to the Services category. Funds budgeted for <br />the contracted Public Defender were decreased to bring the budget in line with the attorney's actual <br />caseload. Funds for other professional services, special matters, and office supplies were also reduced <br />while balancing the budget. <br />62 <br />