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♦ Facilitate private development in the Southcenter District with a focus around Tukwila pond. <br />Strategic Goals 1, 3 & 5 <br />♦ Implement online records request system through the City's Digital Records Center. Strategic <br />Goal 4 <br />♦ Finish GET -IT Phase 3 to include Public Works as-builts on the City's Digital Records Center. <br />Strategic Goal 4 <br />♦ Facilitate 2019 election with King County Elections, provide enhanced Open Public Meetings Act <br />training to new and returning elected officials implementing new best practices. Strategic Goal <br />4 <br />2019-2020 Indicators of Success <br />♦ Continued implementation of Strategic Plan goals including increased partnerships between the <br />City, businesses, non -profits, and regional organizations, as well as enhanced leadership by staff <br />ensuring that City policies and practices reflect Tukwila's diverse community. <br />♦ Tukwila Village land sale and construction is finished; land sale to HealthPoint is complete and <br />construction has started. <br />♦ Improvement of the public records request process resulting in a reduction of time spent fulfilling <br />requests. <br />56 <br />