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City of Tukwila <br />Allan Ekberg, Mayor <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Finance Committee <br />FROM: Laurel Humphrey, Council Analyst <br />CC: Mayor Ekberg <br />DATE: October 24, 2019 <br />SUBJECT: Resolution updating Financial Planning Model and other General Financial <br />Policies <br />ISSUE <br />Financial Policies are adopted by Council Resolution and included as appendices in the <br />adopted Budget and Capital Improvement Program. Policies are reviewed on a regular basis <br />and updated as needed. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The City's Financial Policies represent values and expectations for financial planning, <br />budgeting, accounting, reporting and other management practices. Revisions for the 2019-2020 <br />biennium are proposed to include two new policies and housekeeping adjustments to the <br />others. <br />Proposed New Policy: FP-7 <br />For the purpose of compliance with Tukwila Municipal Code Section 3.32.040, <br />"Unbudgeted Equipment or Fixed Assets," "unbudgeted" shall mean when a department's <br />capital asset line item has insufficient budget for the desired purchase. Capital equipment <br />or fixed asset purchases between $5, 000 - $39, 999 are not subject to TMC 3.32.040 and <br />do not require Council Committee approval if there is sufficient budget, unless there is a <br />policy implication. <br />This policy was requested by the 2017 Finance Committee. Last year, in an effort to streamline <br />purchasing practices, Administration proposed removing Tukwila Municipal Code 3.32.040, <br />"Unbudgeted Equipment or Fixed Assets." <br />TMC 3.32.040: Unbudgeted Equipment or Fixed Assets <br />Any unbudgeted capital equipment or fixed asset item, including components or services <br />of items, shall be approved by the Mayor and three affirmative votes of the respective <br />Council committee assigned to the requesting department. "Fixed asset" items are <br />defined as costing at least $5,000 and having a useful life of at least two years." <br />This provision requires Committee approval of certain purchases costing between $5,000 - <br />$39,999 that have not been specifically listed in the budget, and has included items such as <br />replacement treadmills, a striping machine, and a mobile evidence device. The Committee was <br />not comfortable ceding this authority and did not support removing that section from the TMC. <br />However, they did support streamlining processes and making efficient use of Council time, and <br />so requested a financial policy that clarifies the interpretation of TMC 3.32.040 to mean that if <br />sufficient appropriation exists to cover the purchase, it is deemed budgeted. Unbudgeted will <br />mean that the department's capital asset line item has insufficient budget for the desired <br />purchase. Again, this will only apply to items under $40, 000 as anything above that requires <br />Council approval. The Committee was also clear that any purchase with a policy implication <br />should be reviewed by Council. An example of this would be the Police Department's $39,000 <br />purchase of unmanned aircraft systems in 2017. <br />73 <br />