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FIN 2018-11-06 Item 2E - Agreement - WA State Department of Revenue for Business Licensing
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2018-11-06 Finance
FIN 2018-11-06 Item 2E - Agreement - WA State Department of Revenue for Business Licensing
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1/14/2021 12:12:53 PM
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11/1/2018 9:20:56 AM
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Finance 2017-2020
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Agenda Packet
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DOR Contract Number: K1687 <br />IX. Data Segregation <br />Revenue data must be segregated or otherwise distinguishable from non -Revenue data. This is to ensure <br />that if the data is breached through unauthorized access it can be reported to Revenue and when the <br />data is no longer needed by Partner, all Revenue data can be identified for return or destruction. <br />X. Data Breach Notification <br />If Partner or its agents detect a compromise or potential compromise in the data security for Revenue <br />data such that data may have been accessed or disclosed without proper authorization, Partner shall give <br />notice to Revenue within one (1) business day of discovering the compromise or potential compromise. <br />Partner shall take corrective action as soon as practicable to eliminate the cause of the breach and shall <br />be responsible for ensuring that appropriate notice is made to those individuals whose personal <br />information may have been improperly accessed or disclosed. At a minimum, notification to Revenue will <br />include: <br />A. The date and time of the event; <br />B. A description of the Revenue data involved in the event; and <br />C. Corrective actions the Partner is taking to prevent further compromise of data. <br />XI. Disposition of Data <br />A. Records furnished to the Partner in any medium remain the property of Revenue. <br />B. Revenue data no longer needed by the Partner must be disposed of following the data <br />destruction procedures in this Agreement. <br />C. Upon the destruction of Revenue data, the partner shall complete a Certification of Data <br />Disposition (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B), and submit it to the Contract Manager <br />within 15 days of the date of disposal. <br />XII. Data Destruction Procedures <br />The following are acceptable destruction methods for various types of media. At least one method <br />defined under the various types of media must be used to destroy Revenue data for that media type. <br />A. Optical discs <br />1) Incinerate the disc(s); or <br />2) Shred the discs. <br />B. Magnetic tape(s) <br />1) Degauss; <br />2) Incinerate; or <br />3) Crosscut shredding <br />C. Digital files on server or workstation hard drives or similar media <br />1) For mechanical hard drives, use a "wipe" utility which will overwrite the data at least 3 times <br />using either random or single character data; <br />2) For solid state hard drives, use a "secure erase" utility that resets all cells to zero; <br />3) Degauss sufficiently to ensure that the data cannot be reconstructed; or <br />4) Physically destroy disk(s) <br />Page 9 of 10 <br />89 <br />
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