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�Cehabitat r= Northwest <br />Steve Detwiller <br />Program Goals; <br />1. Increase the choice of housing styles available in the community through projects that <br />are compatible with existing single family developments. <br />The Cottages at Riverton will provide new compact single family housing at a <br />price point below older housing. The community design will seamlessly bridge the gap <br />between existing single family and multifamily located nearby. <br />2. Promote housing affordability and ownership by encouraging smaller homes. <br />The Cottages will provide .safe, new and affordable housing that fills a market <br />void between apartment. condo living and older single family detached housing. <br />3. Stimulate innovative housing design that improves the character and sense of <br />community in a neighborhood and can serve as a model for other areas. <br />All the cottages swill have large front porches that are connected by a sidewalk <br />that wraps a pocket park.. This innovative design concept brings people together, <br />provides safety, and security and provides an opportunity for the development of <br />neighborhood relationships. <br />4. Develop high quality site, architectural and landscape elements in neighborhoods <br />The Cottages at Riverton will combine its 4 pocket parks with tree lined streets <br />that are minimized through the use of rear loaded alleys. The professionally landscaped <br />common space will remain a central feature of the development long after the last cottage <br />sells. The Protect swill provide a "green" transition between its neighbors, a grade school <br />and Veterinary Clinic on the north, A community Church on its south side, a cemetery to <br />the east and Military Road to the west.. <br />5. Provide a greater variety of housing types, which respond to changing household sizes <br />and ages and provide a means for seniors to remain in their neighborhood. <br />The main living level, small size and no yard work associated with this <br />development swill Offer senior move -down Buyers an alternative. The high quality <br />finishes and the detached housing choice might also drive a segment of the <br />apartment. condo dwellers. Judging from the response of the well attended community <br />meeting about this prc ject, one can only conclude that the neighborhood is looking for <br />alternatives. <br />24 <br />