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Planning 2019-04-25 Item 3 - Adoption of 4/11/19
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2019-04-25 Planning Commission - Shoreline Master Program Deliberation
Planning 2019-04-25 Item 3 - Adoption of 4/11/19
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Page 4 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />April 11, 2019 <br />environmental gain, the proposal was approved under the SAMP provisions. The City attorney <br />will review, but we understand the idea that if you do the mitigation on these larger projects <br />you shouldn't get penalized by larger buffers. It seems that the DOE has not adequately dealt <br />with some of these mitigation sites and their buffers. There is more guidance in the shoreline <br />areas that we will try to research. <br />2) The second part is the vesting. Vice Chair Watters asked about how long the provisions would <br />last. Ms. Dhaliwal said Washington State has doctrine on this, but they were still trying to <br />work out the details. She pointed out that the City was trying to add flexibility and that Ms. <br />Rogers was suggesting instead of one year you get five years after final plat approval. She <br />mentioned that shoreline will be somewhat different than critical areas and this will also be <br />looked at by the City attorney. <br />Vice Chair Watters asked for clarity on how often the code needs to be updated. Ms. Dhaliwal <br />advised that the DOE requires updates at least once every eight years,. but that changes may be made <br />more frequently than that. Commissioner Mann discussed how the building and utility permits can <br />impact the timeline for platting process, saying that five years can goequickly. Ms. Dhaliwal clarified <br />the platting process. Commissioner Mann wondered how that timeframe would work if the buffer <br />ended up encompassing 50% of their property. Ms. Dhaliwal said this is exactly what staff is trying to <br />fix. There was discussion about tying it to the size or value of the project. There was discussion about <br />when the buffer expands into the building and how the non -conforming code woapply in these <br />cases. Staff summarized that their goal was to loosen the non -conforming regululd ations. <br />Commissioner Strander asked for clarification on the science behind the size of the buffers. Ms. <br />Cummins discussed that it is calculated per the best available science utilizing state compilation of <br />current projects. It is an on -going process, so it goes back every eight years and is a very extensive <br />process by the DOE. <br />Vice Chair Watters asked for clarification about comments received from a citizen regarding drainage <br />onto his property making it a wetland. Ms. Dhaliwal pointed out that she had displayed the parcel on <br />the map earlier and recalled it was stated that the wetland was created because of drainage coming onto <br />his property. She explained that the map shows a stream so there is water flow. She further explained <br />that in order to be classified as a regulated wetland it must have three things: hydric soil, vegetation <br />and hydrology. <br />Vice Chair Watters asked if there was anything staff would like to address regarding the letter from <br />Karen Walters ofthe Muckleshoot Tribe. Ms. Dhaliwal summarized comments received from Karen <br />Walters, which included keeping the inventory of streams current to reflect any changes in culverts; <br />addressing total maximum daily load (TMDL) studies on shade and temperature; and allowing offsite <br />mitigation for stream impacts. Staff explained that the results of TMDL studies ultimately urged DOE <br />to determine, that the Green River is too hot for the fish, so its banks need to be planted with trees to <br />provide shade. Commissioner Wafters asked if the proposed buffers will help this. Staff clarified that at <br />present, off -site stream banking program is not available. <br />Vice Chair Waiters wondered if we could predict regulations. Staff said that prediction is hard, which <br />is why we do updates in eight -year increments. This makes better data available, better mapping, etc. <br />Commissioner Mann asked about fees for studies. Ms. Dhaliwal stated that Ms. Cummins currently <br />reviews the studies and the service is included in the application fee. If the City hires an outside <br />consultant to do peer review, then there is a charge associated with that. The applicant receives a quote <br />prior to commencement of work. The applicant is charged for any peer review associated with <br />geotechnical reports. <br />Commissioner Mann then asked whether a paragraph that had been under procedures section had <br />been moved someplace else? Ms. Dhaliwal said there were no procedures under that section, instead it <br />was just a jumbled -up paragraph that was removed. <br />4 <br />
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