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Page 5 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />April 11, 2019 <br />Commissioner Mann asked if toxic runoff can run into the wetlands. Ms. Dhaliwal clarified no toxic <br />runoff is allowed, clean storm water may be allowed, and it is handled by storm water regulations. The <br />table in this area is straight from the DOE, but the verbiage will be polished to more accurately reflect <br />this. <br />Commissioner Mann asked about acreage requirements. Ms. Cummins responded that it is a ratio. <br />The property would be assessed for impact (acreage or square footage) then apply the ratio due to the <br />mitigation you are doing. For instance, enhancement has a different ratio than restoration. <br />Commissioner Mann was suggested the word "acreage" be replaced with "square footage". <br />Vice Chair Watters asked that fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides be addressed regarding wetlands. <br />Staff agreed to work on verbiage. <br />Vice Chair Watters asked about verbiage regarding public use and access. She is concerned about <br />being restrictive with regards to education and balancing it with ecology as the buffers are huge. Staff <br />asked some clarifying questions and discussed working on the verbiage. <br />Commissioner Hansen requested discussion on the best wayto go through any additional comments <br />from the Commissioners. The Commissioners discussed and agreed to submit comments to DCD by <br />Friday, April 19. Staff will incorporate the Commissioners recommendations in the matrix that will be <br />provided for the May 23rd meeting. <br />DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br />• City Council is holding a public hearing on April 22nd on a development agreement for the <br />Homestead project, which is for 18 affordable, homes on a vacantlot behind Riverton United <br />Methodist Church. The design review, sub -division and platting process will come to the Planning <br />Commission and will be a quasi-judicial matter. <br />• The regular PC meeting is on April 25th, and the agenda includes Shoreline Code update. <br />• The May 23rd meeting is on the Critical Areas Code update <br />• In June the PC will hear the design review of Fire Station 52 <br />Adjourned: 8:55 PM <br />Submitted by Shana Markstrom, substitute for Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />5 <br />