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Equity and Social Justice Commission Bylaws (January 2018)
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Equity and Social Justice Commission (2017-Present)
Equity and Social Justice Commission Bylaws (January 2018)
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Equity and Social Justice Commission 2017-Present
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The public shall be notified of the preliminary agenda for the forthcoming Commission <br />meeting by posting a copy of the agenda in the City's Digital Records Center. <br />Article VI Rules of Meetings <br />A. Quorum <br />At all Commission meetings, the presence of the majority of the currently seated <br />members constitutes a quorum. A quorum is required for the Commission to take any <br />action. <br />B. Rules of Procedure <br />The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall provide the basis for <br />meeting structure and official decisions shall be made by motion and vote of the <br />Commission. <br />C. Meeting Decorum <br />To provide a fair and efficient forum for the conduct of business at Commission <br />meetings the following rules of decorum shall be observed: <br />1. No person shall address the Commission without first obtaining recognition from <br />the chair. <br />2. The Commission may allow comments from members of the public attending <br />Commission meetings by permission of the Chair or majority vote of the <br />Commission members present. <br />3. If there are a large number of people who wish to speak at a meeting the Chair <br />may limit each speaker to 3-5 minutes of speaking time. If a speaker is <br />representing an organization, the Chair may grant that speaker an additional 5 <br />minutes of speaking time. <br />4. Once a member of the public has spoken in regard to a specific matter before <br />the Commission, he/she shall not be recognized to speak again until all persons <br />wishing to speak have first been given the opportunity to do so. <br />5. To aid in the creation of accurate meeting minutes all speakers should provide <br />their first and last name each time they address the Commission. <br />6. Commission meetings will generally begin at 5:15 p.m. or as indicated on the <br />public notice. Meetings will continue until the agenda items have been <br />completed or until 7:00 p.m. whichever comes first. Continuation of a meeting <br />beyond 7:00 p.m. requires approval of a motion to extend by a majority vote. If <br />no motion is approved the Chair will continue the meeting to a specific date. <br />D. Voting <br />In instances where a vote is called for or required, the present majority is sufficient to <br />act (provided a quorum is present). Each member shall have one vote and no proxies <br />shall be allowed. Present members may abstain. The Chair may vote on any issue and <br />shall vote in the event of a tie. No action is taken if the Chair votes and the tie <br />continues. A majority vote shall carry and minority opinions may be formally included in <br />the minutes. <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />ESJ By -Laws <br />
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