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INFORWATIONAL EM{] <br />Page 2 <br />DISCUSSION <br />VV8DOT has provided o biennial allocation for the Cit/y TDK8 Program since 1893. The contract <br />for 2010-2021 is a renewal of previous allocation contracts and in in the annVurd of $74.205D0, <br />consistent with previous contracts. <br />FINANCIAL I —PACT <br />There is no impact to the general fund. The aflocation provides a consistent source of funding <br />for the TDM Program, which is leveraged by concurrent TDM grants. <br />RIEENDATION. <br />The Council is being asked to approve the WSDOT allocation contract for the Transportation <br />Demand Management Program in the amount of $74,205.00 and consider this item on the <br />Consent Agenda odthe August 5.201SRegular Meeting. <br />Attachment A: City of Tukwila award letter <br />