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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 3 <br />address the internal departmental concerns separately from the external stakeholder comments. <br />All of the comments are available on the Tukwila Urban Center Plan section of the City's web <br />site, both in their original form and summarized in a matrix with staff analysis and <br />recommendations. <br />Staff responded to public comments concerns regarding the economic feasibility of the vision <br />and the draft development regulations by contracting with ECONorthwest (ECO), the consultant <br />that prepared economic and market analyses during the preparation of the draft plan. We held <br />three focus groups with property owners, businesses and regional developers to evaluate the <br />vision, approach and regulations in the draft plan. ECO's summary memo recommended the <br />following revisions to the development standards and changes to the implementation strategies: <br />General comments and recommended strateaies: <br />Almost all stakeholders agreed the vision is the right long -term goal for development <br />in TUC. <br />The vision is achievable in the mid to long term with significant, targeted public <br />investment to catalyze and support types of development the City would like to see. <br />Code appears to be more complex than it actually is: it is designed to provide <br />certainty while minimizing discretionary interpretive decisions. <br />Specific recommendations comments: <br />Revise high -rise ordinance to allow mid -rise construction will make the Plan more <br />economically viable and allow Tukwila to be more competitive with other cities. <br />(Note: this has already been accomplished) <br />Achieving multiple storied development is limited due to difficulty in meeting parking <br />requirements <br />When reducing parking requirements, need to provide other options to avoid <br />negative consequences <br />Open space requirements are consistent with other jurisdictions. <br />Staff presented these findings to the Planning Commission (PC) on December 10 2009 and <br />the Community Affairs and Parks Committee on March 22, 2010. <br />Almost all stakeholders commenting on the draft plan agreed the City's vision is the right long- <br />term goal for development in the TUC. The conflict, however, was in how and when the vision <br />should be implemented. Some members of the PC thought that additional public outreach was <br />needed outside of the formal hearing process. <br />WHERE WE ARE Now <br />To address the concern about input from property and business owners, staff proposed <br />establishing a second stakeholders' process to address key issue areas that were identified by <br />ECONW and /or raised during the public comment period. The process was designed to allow <br />the consultant/staff team to work out the individual concerns of the stakeholders, with the <br />anticipated outcome of a set of regulatory refinements to the draft Plan that work for both the <br />stakeholders and the City. <br />In March 2011 staff presented three stakeholder process alternatives to the City Council: the <br />process described above, an advisory group similar to the Sign Code Advisory Committee and a <br />standard legislative process with public hearings. The Council chose the third option along with <br />reducing the scope of the project and directed staff to revise the draft Plan to meet the minimum <br />requirements for accommodating growth and fulfilling regional policy goals. The Council wanted <br />a streamlined review process since the changes from the existing code would be limited. <br />3 <br />