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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />1. Al — "For Represented Employees": The information laid out in this section has been <br />shared with the City Council during executive session by bargaining group throughout <br />the process of negotiating the latest collective bargaining agreements. During this <br />calendar year Human Resources has successfully negotiated new contracts with six <br />bargaining groups. Of the two remaining, one achieved a tentative agreement this week <br />and the other continues to bargain and the current contract does not expire until the end <br />of this year. <br />Al. No Change <br />2. A2 — "For Non -Represented Employees": Current internal salary trends show that <br />represented employees are receiving an increase in 2020 and 2021 ranging from 1.53% <br />to 1.7% (90% - 100% of CPI). Externally, while staff knows of no cities that have yet <br />made a final decision on 2020 compensation, conversations with their staff indicate most <br />are contemplating an increase for non -represented staff between 1.5% and 3%. The <br />adopted City of Tukwila budget included a 2.5% increase from 2019 to 2020 for non - <br />represented employees. <br />Staff is seeking guidance from the Council to finalize the information based on <br />challenges that have arisen in the implementation of this new policy. There are 39 non - <br />represented employees that hold 36 different positions in 15 different bands. Previously <br />the City had benchmarked approximately 12 positions. Staff has attempted to expand <br />benchmarked positions to over 20 positions in order to provide a more complete <br />analysis. The AWC Employee Salary and Benefit Survey is not comprehensive, leaving <br />many positions unable to be benchmarked (benchmarked positions require finding at <br />least five other comparable positions within our comparable cities). Staff can and has <br />reached out to the other comparable cities to achieve a higher number of benchmarked <br />positions, but such activity is outside of the policy direction given in the resolution. <br />Going outside the AWC survey allows the City to better track total compensation, as the <br />benefit information provided by AWC is incomplete. <br />o Question for the Committee — Should staff go beyond the AWC survey in order to <br />gather as much information as possible, which would include polling our <br />comparable cities for information on each non -represented position? <br />o Question for the Committee — Alternately, should the City contract with an <br />outside firm for a full market study? <br />A2. There was a change from the previous meeting where staff thought it could <br />benchmark more than 20 positions. However, after further analysis and using the industry <br />standard of five comparable cities to constitute a match, only 19 positions were able to be <br />benchmarked. <br />Recommended courses of action for future market system: <br />1. Contract for a new market -based non -represented compensation system to replace the <br />current DBM system. <br />To initiate this action, the City would conduct an RFP process. Staff would seek additional <br />budget authority to be granted in the 2020 budget to develop the new market -based non - <br />represented compensation system. <br />3. B1 — This section changed the jurisdictions defined as comparable cities from +50/-50% <br />of Tukwila's annual assessed value to +75/-50% AV with a police department. This has <br />resulted in the City now having 15 comparable cities, seven under Tukwila's AN and <br />eight above. The comparable cities with their AV are attached. <br />2 <br /> Non Rep memo Final.docx <br />