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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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3/18/2014 4:04:34 PM
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11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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Nrbai? CE'1? er C'11teria <br />The CPPs require that urban centers have: <br />15,000 employees within a half mile of a transit center <br />Average 50 employees per gross acre <br />Average 15 households per gross acre <br />See Attachment 2 for a comparison of the urban center criteria to Tukwila's urban center <br />characteristics. Tukwila made a presentation to PSRC in January on the status of our efforts to <br />achieve the urban center goals. <br />Local C Pla1is. <br />Local comprehensive plans direct land use planning regulations and activity in unincorporated <br />King County and each of the county's 39 jurisdictions. Each local plan establishes the land use <br />and development regulations within its jurisdiction. Local plans, when next updated, are expected <br />to align with the planning hierarchy described above. Anticipating completion of the CPPs in <br />2010, many cities including Tukwila have begun the planning effort to revise their comprehensive <br />plans. <br />Kiniz County Growth Tarizets <br />In 2009 after an extensive process involving staff from the affected cities, including Tukwila, the Growth <br />Management Planning Council adopted updated employment and housing growth targets for 2031. As a <br />core city Tukwila, including its annexation areas, has a target of 4,850 net new housing units and 17,550 <br />net new jobs over the next 21 years. While no city can guarantee a certain level of development we must <br />provide for zoned capacity and infrastructure to accommodate that growth. <br />It is unclear how Tukwila could accommodate our housing growth target by 2031 without encouraging <br />housing development in the urban center. The Tukwila South Master Plan calls for between 700 and <br />1,900 units to be developed over up to 30 years. The recent addition of the Urban Renewal Overlay to the <br />Neighborhood Commercial Center zone will allow for more intensive development along a section of the <br />Tukwila International Boulevard Corridor and accommodate another portion of the target. Tukwila's <br />single and multi family zoned land is largely built -out at the current lot sizes and densities and so has <br />limited ability to absorb additional units. If the vision for the Southcenter area changes to exclude <br />housing the most straightforward alternative to meeting our targets would be to upzone existing <br />residential neighborhoods to allow for more intensive development. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1) Vision 2040 Executive Summary <br />2) Comparison of the urban center criteria to Tukwila's urban center characteristics <br />
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