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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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3/18/2014 4:04:34 PM
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11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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Attachment 1 <br />The Importance of the Regional Growth Strategy <br />The central Puget Sound region is forecast to continue to Central Puget Sound <br />grow in the coming decades up to 5 million people Regional Growth <br />will live here by the year 2040. The Regional Growth Strategy <br />Strategy provides guidance to cities and counties for <br />accommodating that growth. The strategy is designed <br />to preserve resource lands and protect rural lands from <br />urban -type development. The strategy promotes infill <br />and redevelopment within urban areas to create more <br />compact, walkable, and transit friendly communities. <br />What's in VISION 2040? <br />VISION 2040's Regional Growth Strategy identifies the role <br />that various cities, unincorporated areas, and rural lands <br />categories play in accommodating the region's residen- <br />tial and employment growth. The strategy is organized <br />around categories of "regional geographies. "The major- <br />ity of the region's employment and housing growth <br />is allocated to Metropolitan Cities and Core Cities, which <br />together contain the more than two dozen designated <br />regional growth centers. Larger Cities also play an impor- <br />tant role over time as places that accommodate growth. <br />Small Cities provide jobs and housing that support vital <br />and active communities at a less intensive scale. Growth <br />in the unincorporated urban growth area is prioritized <br />for areas that are identified for annexation into adjacent <br />cities. Significantly less growth is allocated to the rural <br />areas than has occurred in the past. <br />°dN�4<PSHGL+d %Tl° <br />Multicounty Planning Policies. The multicounty plan- <br />ning policies provide guidance for implementing the Regional Growth Strategy. Growth is to occur first and foremost in <br />the designated urban growth area; less development is to occur in rural areas. Centers are recognized for their ben- <br />efits in creating compact, walkable communities that support transit and other services. Housing and jobs should be <br />located in a manner that provides for easy mobility and accessibility. Investments in transportation and other infrastruc- <br />ture should be prioritized to centers. Countywide target- setting processes for allocating population and employment <br />growth are to be consistent with the regional vision. <br />Actions. Many of the implementation actions in VISION 2040 contribute to achieving the Regional Growth Strategy. <br />For example, the Regional Council already began working with its member jurisdictions in 2008 to develop a regional <br />X <br />VISION 2040's Regional Growth Strategy is a preferred pattern for accommodating residential and employment <br />growth. It is designed to minimize environmental impacts, support economic prosperity, improve mobility, and <br />make efficient use of existing infrastructure. <br />
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