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vision is achievable, but in phases and over a period of time and only with significant, targeted public <br />investments to catalyze and support development of the type that the City would like to see. Also, given <br />the uncertainty in the current market, it is not effective use of City fiends to do a new, detailed market <br />analysis at this time. <br />A.4. EXISTING LAND USE POLICY <br />The City's Zoning Code is set forth in Chapter 18 of Tukwila's Municipal Code. All of the land area <br />under study is contained within the area designated by the City's Comprehensive Plan and the City's <br />Zoning Map as the Titkirila Urban (TUC). The stated purpose for this zoning district is <br />"intended to provide an area of high- intensity regional uses that include commercial services, offices, <br />light industry, warehousing and retail uses. Development is intended to be pedestrian friendly, with a <br />strong emphasis on a safe and attractive streetscape." Uses permitted in the district include an <br />extremely wide range of retail, entertainment, commercial and industrial uses. Residential uses are <br />conditionally permitted on areas within 500 feet of the Green River, Tukwila Pond, or Minkler Pond (a <br />maximum density of ?2 units per acre, 100 units per acre for senior housing), and in mixed -use <br />developments within one quarter mile of the Sounder Commuter rail /Amtrak Station property <br />(maximum density of 65 units per acre). Most of the uses that support residential, like churches, schools <br />and recreational facilities, are also conditionally permitted. Buildings are allowed to a maximum height <br />R": Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC RE VIER" 9.22.11 _attach C_Existing Cond summan.doex 9/1.1/2()1 1 <br />Photo 3. Westfield Southcenter Mall <br />Photo 4. Parkway Super Center <br />Photo 6. Lower value office Warehouse <br />Photo 5. Big box warehouse retail <br />