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of 115 feet. There are few policies setting standards for building design, orientation, massing, location <br />of parking, block size, or the creation of new streets. <br />The Zoning Code requires design review for all commercial structures larger than 1,500 square feet and <br />for all strictures containing multi family development, as well as for certain exterior repairs, <br />reconstructions, alterations or improvements to buildings over 10,000 square feet. Design review for <br />commercial structures between 1,500 and 5,000 square feet will be done administratively, for larger <br />structures, by the Board of Architectural Review. <br />A.S. DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT POSSIBILITIES <br />Southcenter is almost 100% developed, with very little vacant developable land. The few areas that are <br />untouched by development are either preserved as open space, environmentally sensitive wetlands and <br />river areas, or dedicated towards public uses, such as utility sites. The most significant piece of vacant <br />land that is available for new development lies on the eastern border of Southcenter, north of and <br />adjacent to the Tukwila Longacres Rail Station. However, there are many obstacles to redevelopment of <br />this area, such as underground and above ground utilities and limited access. <br />While there is very little undeveloped land in Southcenter available for new investment, the low- density <br />nature of its development pattern points toward redevelopment opportunities. Its high- visibility <br />location at the juncture of two freeways makes it a desirable location, especially since there is little <br />developable area elsewhere. The other quadrants bordering the freeway intersection are filled with low <br />density residential neighborhoods, with little to no land open for development. <br />With heightened demand for retail space in Southcenter, and the rising land values that result from this <br />demand, much of Tukwila's industrial and warehouse space is vulnerable to conversion to office (see <br />Photo 7) or retail. Some of Tukwila's industrial uses have already shifted to retail uses, See Fig.A.1) <br />as evidenced by Costco Wholesale, Lowe's Home Iinprovement, Home Depot and Circuit City, all of <br />which are located in former warehouse buildings. <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9/14/201 1 <br />19 <br />Photo 7. Fatigue Technology <br />