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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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3/18/2014 4:04:34 PM
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11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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Yp Renton <br />6 i <br />5M11f�l�� <br />`il'Y9YIQ04 <br />TG &04t 4 <br />to Tacamg <br />T racomo' a r <br />Fig.A.1. Pattems of Development and Change <br />A.6. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION <br />1) Vehicular Circulation <br />Because Southcenter is geographically bounded by the two freeways and the Green River, primary <br />entrance points into the study area are limited. From the north, traffic can enter over I -405 at 61 st and <br />66th Avenues. From the south, access is limited to Southcenter Parkway, Andover Park West and East, <br />and West Valley Highway. Traffic from the west can enter from I -5 at Southcenter Parkway, Klickitat <br />Drive and South 178/180th Street, and traffic from the east is limited to Strander Boulevard and South <br />178/180th Street. Because of this limited access to the area and the small number of streets serving <br />development, there can be delays at the entrance /exit ramps to the freeway, and there are frequent <br />bottlenecks at the Klickitat Drive and Southcenter Parkway intersection and other intersections near <br />Westfield Southcenter Mall. Traffic on the surrounding interstates is expected to increase in the future. <br />Proposed long -term improvements include the relocation of the I -405 on -ramp from the Southcenter <br />retail area to the east of 66th Avenue, extending Tukwila Parkway to West Valley Highway, and at the <br />R": Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIER" 9.22.11 _attach C_Existing Cond summan.does 9/14/201 6 <br />20 <br />Q �lt Y/2 <br />to Tacamg <br />T racomo' a r <br />Fig.A.1. Pattems of Development and Change <br />A.6. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION <br />1) Vehicular Circulation <br />Because Southcenter is geographically bounded by the two freeways and the Green River, primary <br />entrance points into the study area are limited. From the north, traffic can enter over I -405 at 61 st and <br />66th Avenues. From the south, access is limited to Southcenter Parkway, Andover Park West and East, <br />and West Valley Highway. Traffic from the west can enter from I -5 at Southcenter Parkway, Klickitat <br />Drive and South 178/180th Street, and traffic from the east is limited to Strander Boulevard and South <br />178/180th Street. Because of this limited access to the area and the small number of streets serving <br />development, there can be delays at the entrance /exit ramps to the freeway, and there are frequent <br />bottlenecks at the Klickitat Drive and Southcenter Parkway intersection and other intersections near <br />Westfield Southcenter Mall. Traffic on the surrounding interstates is expected to increase in the future. <br />Proposed long -term improvements include the relocation of the I -405 on -ramp from the Southcenter <br />retail area to the east of 66th Avenue, extending Tukwila Parkway to West Valley Highway, and at the <br />R": Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIER" 9.22.11 _attach C_Existing Cond summan.does 9/14/201 6 <br />20 <br />
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