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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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Longacres Way (see Photo 8), a permanent station is to be completed by 2013. The station currently <br />accommodates Amtrak service as well as the commuter trains. <br />A study by Mirai Associates in 2002 indicates that transit accounts for about 2% of all trips into and out <br />of the area. A great number of these trips are to and from the Westfield Southcenter Mall, the stop at <br />this mall is the most highly used, and accounts for more than half of the total riders in the study area. <br />However, existing facilities at this stop are inadequate for the large ridership at that location (see Photo <br />9), and City plans include design and construction of a new transit center in the vicinity of Andover <br />Park West and Baker Boulevard. This, combined with a permanent Tukwila Longacres station, should <br />make transit a more appealing option for the area. <br />A.7. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION <br />There are manv natural resources within the Tukwila Urban Center see Fig.A.2. the most noteworthy of <br />which is Tukwila Pond (see Photo 10), a body of water created by a high water table and the runoff <br />from all of the impervious surfaces of the area's rooftops and parking lots, that is now a significant <br />wildlife habitat and a stop -over point for migrating waterfowl. Access to the pond's edges is restricted <br />around most of its perimeter (see Photo 11), but a park has been preserved along the Pond's western <br />edge. Tukwila Pond Park is located behind the commercial development along Southcenter Parkway <br />and the Target store on Strander Boulevard, and accessed along foot trails from these roadways. <br />Viewpoints of the pond and wetland are accessible along the eastern edge of the Pond, on Andover Park <br />East. <br />Other amenities in the area include Minkler Pond and the Green River (see Photo 12). Minkler Pond is <br />a smaller water body at the eastern terminus of Minkler Boulevard that flows into the Green River, but <br />is inaccessible from the west because it is trapped behind several industrial buildings. The Green River <br />Trail, 2.6 -miles of which are within Tukwila, winds along the west bank of the Green River, and the <br />Interurban Trail located on the old Interurban right -of -way east of West Valley Highway, provide <br />recreational space for bike riding, jogging, walking and inline skating. Visual and physical access to <br />these trails is difficult. Much of the Green River Trail is hidden behind the industrial development that <br />lines the riverfront for most of its length through Southcenter. <br />W: Lon.- Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9/14/201 1 <br />22 <br />Photo 9. Transit stop on Andover Park W. <br />Photo S. Temporal Tukwila Longacres Station <br />
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