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f <br />B <br />l e <br />i <br />Fig.A2. Existing Open Space Network <br />A.8. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE CHARACTER <br />i <br />I <br />�r <br />While a distinctive building and landscape design has evolved in the Pacific Northwest region, this has <br />had little influence on the design of buildings in Southcenter. Buildings are often separated from the <br />street by large parking lots, and their entrances are hard to find. The well designed buildings <br />constricted after design review was implemented in 1982 are lost in the overall mix, and there are too <br />few of them to create a visible theme that could unify the district with any sort of identity. The result is <br />an unrelated hodge -podge of unarticulated buildings with little ornamentation or design. The highly <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Existing Cond 9/14/201 1 9 <br />23 <br />Photo W. TUklVlla Pond <br />Photo 11. Tukwila Pond north side <br />Photo 12. Green River <br />