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distinctive design context of the Pacific Northwest landscape (see Fig.A.3. Design Context) stands in <br />contrast to the existing character of the Plan Area's built environment. <br />1) Buildim4s <br />Buildings within Southcenter are generally reflective of auto oriented development. Strictures are <br />reduced to the simplest, most economical form: often tilt -up construction, simply massed buildings with <br />a box -like appearance. While buildings are allowed to a maximum height of 115 feet, few are more than <br />50 feet tall. The number of stories on the taller buildings is indiscernible as their architecture is not <br />articulated by typical design cues like windows per floor or cornice lines. Ornamentation across the <br />facades is limited, except for signage. <br />2) Streetscaae <br />The site layouts and streetscapes surrounding the area's development are primarily oriented towards the <br />needs of motorists (see Photos 13 -16). Primacy is placed on signage visibility and availability of <br />parking. Parking fronts or surrounds the building, distancing the building from the street and the public <br />realm. The overall impression of the area's development pattern is of large, simple buildings fronted by <br />asphalt, announcing convenience and ease of movement for automobiles. Very little effort is made to <br />create site layouts that are amenable to the pedestrian, or to use pathways, trees or other site design <br />elements that contribute to the pedestrian realm. While there are a few individual projects that have <br />successfully used landscaping, streetscape and lighting along their edges, these fragments do not add up <br />to create any consistent feeling throughout the district. <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9/14/201 1 10 <br />24 <br />Photo 13. Andover Park West <br />Photo 14. Minkler Boulevard <br />