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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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A.9. CONCLUSION <br />The Tukwila community has seen its "Urban Center" transform from farms and undeveloped open land <br />to an industrial hub, and again to its current incarnation as an industrial and regional retail and <br />employment center. Southcenter is very successful as a commercial district it is "the place to shop" for <br />the City and a large portion of the region. Tukwila is the sixth- largest city in the state for sales tax <br />collections, and most of those dollars come from the stores located in Southcenter, with up to two <br />billion dollars' worth of retail activity generated annually by retailers in the Southcenter area. However, <br />the success of the district has led to rapid growth that has sprawled in haphazard fashion across the <br />enormous land area of Southcenter, resulting in a diffuse and exclusively auto oriented environment <br />that is confusing to shoppers and features little connection to the rest of the community. <br />Whereas Southcenter is the economic engine of the City, it does not function as any real center for the <br />community. It is active primarily in the daytime, and there are few nighttime uses. Development within <br />Southcenter is exclusively commercial and is characterized by low -rise structures surrounded or edged <br />by surface parking. There are very few places to gather or meet other than in the interior pedestrian <br />corridors of the Mall. <br />Southcenter is bounded by substantial natural and manmade features that separate the district from the <br />residential neighborhoods to its north and west, and from commercial development to the east and <br />south. Because of a lack of other connections to the district, most people get to Southcenter by car. Its <br />development pattern is entirely oriented to automobile, with very little consideration given to the <br />pedestrian or bicyclist. Wide streets lack distinctive treatments such as landscaping themes, interesting <br />signage or architecture. While the City's Zoning Code states that the TUC is intended to be "pedestrian <br />friendly", the large scale of the district's blocks and the speed of traffic on its streets create powerful <br />disincentives to walking in the district. Sidewalks are inconsistent and narrow. Street crossings are few <br />and far between, and the streetlights are timed for cars, not for pedestrians. This pattern of <br />development is vulnerable to loss of value likely to stem from increasing gasoline prices and the <br />popular embrace of sustainable patterns of development. <br />The City of Tukwila has a memorable natural setting, and Southcenter has several notable, if hidden, <br />resources, including Tukwila Pond, Minkler Pond and the Green River. But these resources have thus <br />far been a missed opportunity for the district hidden from view, difficult to access, and therefore rarely <br />used by most of the City's population. Aside from these amenities, few natural site features remain <br />most have been developed and paved over with asphalt. Southcenter's visual character stands in <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9 /14/201 1 12 <br />26 <br />Photo 16. Strander Boulevard <br />Photo 15. Southcenter Parkivav <br />
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