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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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3/18/2014 4:04:34 PM
Creation date
11/7/2011 4:27:10 PM
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contrast to the context that surrounds it the incongruence between the green residential fabric of the <br />City and the hard asphalt of its Urban Center is heightened by the lack of connections between them. <br />Tukwila's Urban Center does not reflect design character that is indigenous to the region or to the City. <br />Buildings are similar in height and massing, and no different than those that can be found at any <br />successful retail center in the country. The streets that make up the network of Southcenter are <br />indistinguishable from one another in both aesthetics and importance. There are no landmarks to <br />indicate important locations and anchors in the district, and no visual or physical connections to link <br />these places together. Unremarkable building design, spread -out development patterns, and undefined <br />streetscapes contribute to the character of a "placeless" setting. <br />But the opportunities inherent in Southcenter are strong. The area is easily reachable from surrounding <br />cities, with good access via the interstate freeways, and as result, the regional mall remains successful. <br />The recreational and natural amenities of the area make good incentives for residential development <br />throughout the district, providing potential anchors for new neighborhoods. Transit options, including <br />the King County Metro bus system, bus rapid transit, and Sound Transit's commuter and light rail <br />service, can be improved and built upon, and combined with an improved pedestrian realm to provide <br />an alternative to automobile travel. All of these factors provide the framework for positive change and <br />offer the opportunity to direct future growth, to make Southcenter a true "Urban Center" for its <br />community. The Southcewer Plan is intended to build upon and extend these assets while improving <br />the character, connectivity and range of experiences offered in Southcenter for the community and the <br />region. <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9/14/201 1 13 <br />27 <br />
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