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C. WETLAND BUFFERS. The purpose of the buffer area shall be to protect the <br />integrity and functions of the wetland area. Any land alteration must be located out of the <br />buffer areas as required by this section. Wetland buffers are intended in general to: <br />1. Minimize long-term impacts of development on properties containing <br />wetlands; <br />2. Protect wetlands from adverse impacts during development; <br />3. Preserve the edge of the wetland and its buffer for its critical habitat value; <br />4. Provide an area to stabilize banks, to absorb overflow during high water <br />events and to allow for slight variation of aquatic system boundaries over time due to <br />hydrologic or climatic effects; <br />5. Reduce erosion and increased surface water runoff, <br />6. Reduce loss of or damage to property; <br />7. Intercept fine sediments from surface water runoff and serve to minimize <br />water quality impacts; and <br />8. Protect the critical area from human and domestic animal disturbances. <br />Buffer widths in Table 18.45.080-1 have been established in accordance with the <br />best available science. They are based on the category of wetland and the habitat score. <br />w:\Legislative Development\Critical Areas update 2-25-20 <br />MD:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 18 of 87 <br />