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4. Alterations to isolated Category IV wetlands less than 1,000 square feet in <br />size that meet all of the following conditions are allowed where adequate mitigation is <br />carried out in accordance with the standards of this section. <br />a. They are not associated with a riparian corridor; <br />buffers, <br />b. They are not associated with Shorelines of the State or their associated <br />c. They are not part of a wetland mosaic; <br />d. They do not contain habitat identified as essential for local populations <br />of priority species identified by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife; <br />and <br />e. They do not score 6 points or greater for habitat in the Western <br />Washington Wetland Rating System. <br />C. MITIGATION STANDARDS. <br />1. Types of Wetland Mitigation: <br />a. Mitigation for wetlands shall follow the mitigation sequencing steps in <br />this chapter and may include the following types of actions in order of decreasing <br />preference: <br />(1) Restoration: <br />(a) Re-establishment. The manipulation of the physical, chemical <br />or biological characteristics of a site with the goal of restoring wetland functions to a <br />former wetland, resulting in a net increase in wetland acres and functions. <br />(b) Rehabilitation. The manipulation of the physical, chemical or <br />biological characteristics of a site with the goal of repairing historic functions and <br />processes of a degraded wetland, resulting in a gain in wetland functions but not acreage. <br />(2) Creation (establishment). The manipulation of the physical, <br />chemical or biological characteristics to develop a wetland on an upland or deepwater <br />site, where a biological wetland did not previously exist. <br />(3) Enhancement. The manipulation of the physical, chemical or <br />biological characteristics to heighten, intensify, or improve specific functions (such as <br />vegetation) or to change the growth stage or composition of the vegetation present, <br />resulting in a change in wetland functions but not in a gain in wetland acreage. <br />(4) A combination of the three types of actions listed above. <br />b. Required mitigation ratios are described in TMC Section <br />18.45.090.C.1.b.(1)-(4) (below). Alternate mitigation ratios may be accepted by the <br />Director upon presentation of justification based on best available science that shows the <br />proposed compensation represents a roughly proportional exchange for the proposed <br />impacts. <br />w:\Legislative Development\Critical Areas update 2-25-20 <br />MD:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 23 of 87 <br />