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water level. "Development, Shoreline" does not include dismantling or removing <br />structures if there is no other associated development or re -development. <br />Section 2. TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," Amended. Ordinance No. 2347 <br />§15, as codified in TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," under the subparagraph entitled <br />"Floodway," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Floodway <br />"Floodway" means the area that has been established in effective federal emergency <br />management agency flood insurance rate maps or floodway maps. The floodway does <br />not include lands that can reasonably be expected to be protected from flood waters by <br />flood control devices maintained by or maintained under license from the federal <br />government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state. <br />Section 3. TMC Section Adopted. A new section is hereby added to TMC Chapter <br />18.06, "Definitions," as follows: <br />Nonconforming Structure, Shoreline <br />"Nonconforming Structure, Shoreline" means a structure legally established prior to <br />the effective date of the Shoreline Master Program, but which does not conform to present <br />regulations or standards of the program. <br />Section 4. TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," Amended. Ordinance No. 1758 §1 <br />(part), as codified in TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," under the subparagraph entitled <br />"River Channel," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />River Channel <br />"River Channel" means that area of the river lying riverward of the mean high water <br />mark. <br />Section 5. TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," Amended. Ordinance No. 2347 §33, <br />as codified in TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," under the subparagraph entitled <br />"Shoreline Areas," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Shorelines or Shoreline Areas <br />"Shorelines" or "Shoreline areas" means all "shorelines of the state" and "shorelands" <br />as defined in RCW 90.58.030. <br />Section 6. TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," Amended. Ordinance No. 2347 §41, <br />as codified in TMC Chapter 18.06, "Definitions," under the subparagraph entitled <br />"Substantial Development," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Substantial Development <br />"Substantial development" means any development of which the total cost or fair <br />market value exceeds $7,047.00 or any development that materially interferes with the <br />normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state. The dollar threshold established <br />in this definition must be adjusted for inflation by the Office of Financial Management <br />every five years, beginning July 1, 2007, based upon changes in the Consumer Price <br />W: Legislative Development\SMP-Zoning Code changes 2-25-20 <br />MD:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 3 of 64 <br />