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Index during that time period. "Consumer Price Index" means, for any calendar year, that <br />year's annual average Consumer Price Index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage <br />earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, <br />United States Department of Labor. In accordance with WAC 173-27-040, as it now reads <br />and as hereafter amended, the following shall not be considered developments which <br />require a shoreline substantial development permit, although shall still comply with the <br />substantive requirements of the Shoreline Master Program: <br />1. Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, <br />including repair of damage caused by accident, fire, or elements. <br />2. Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the <br />elements. <br />3. Construction and practices normal or necessary for farming, irrigation, and <br />ranching activities, including agricultural service roads and utilities on shorelands, and the <br />construction and maintenance of irrigation structures including but not limited to head <br />gates, pumping facilities, and irrigation channels. A feedlot of any size, all processing <br />plants, other activities of a commercial nature, and alteration of the contour of the <br />shorelands by leveling or filling other than that which results from normal cultivation, shall <br />not be considered normal or necessary farming or ranching activities. A feedlot shall be <br />an enclosure or facility used or capable of being used for feeding livestock hay, grain, <br />silage, or other livestock feed, but shall not include land for growing crops or vegetation <br />for livestock feeding and/or grazing, nor shall it include normal livestock wintering <br />operations. <br />4. Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers <br />and anchor buoys. <br />5. Construction on shorelands by an owner, lessee, or contract purchaser of a <br />single family residence for his own use or for the use of his or her family, which residence <br />does not exceed a height of 35 feet above average grade level and which meets all <br />requirements of the state agency or local government having jurisdiction thereof, other <br />than requirements imposed pursuant to this chapter. <br />6. Construction of a dock, including a community dock, designed for pleasure <br />craft only, for the private non-commercial use of the owner, lessee, or contract purchaser <br />of single and multiple family residences. This exception applies if either: <br />m <br />(a) In salt waters, the fair market value of the dock does not exceed $2,500; <br />(b) in fresh waters, the fair market value of the dock does not exceed: <br />(1) $20,000 for docks that are constructed to replace existing docks, <br />and are of equal or lesser square footage than the existing dock being replaced; or <br />(2) $10,000 for all other docks constructed on freshwaters. <br />W: Legislative Development\SMP-Zoning Code changes 2-25-20 <br />MD:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 4 of 64 <br />