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(3) However, if subsequent construction occurs within five years of <br />completion of the prior construction, and the combined fair market value of the <br />subsequent and prior construction exceeds the amount specified above, the subsequent <br />construction shall be considered a substantial development for the purpose of this <br />chapter. <br />7. Operation, maintenance, or construction of canals, waterways, drains, <br />reservoirs, or other facilities that now exist or are hereafter created or developed as a part <br />of an irrigation system for the primary purpose of making use of system waters, including <br />return flow and artificially stored groundwater for the irrigation of lands. <br />8. The marking of property lines or corners on state owned lands, when such <br />marking does not significantly interfere with normal public use of the surface of the water. <br />9. Operation and maintenance of any system of dikes, ditches, drains, or other <br />facilities existing on September 8, 1975, which were created, developed, or utilized <br />primarily as a part of an agricultural drainage or diking system. <br />10. Site exploration and investigation activities that are prerequisite to <br />preparation of an application for development authorization under this chapter, if: <br />a. The activity does not interfere with the normal public use of the surface <br />waters; <br />b. The activity will have no significant adverse impact on the environment <br />including, but not limited to, fish, wildlife, fish or wildlife habitat, water quality, and <br />aesthetic values; <br />c. The activity does not involve the installation of a structure, and upon <br />completion of the activity the vegetation and land configuration of the site are restored to <br />conditions existing before the activity; <br />Cl. A private entity seeking development authorization under this section <br />first posts a performance bond or provides other evidence of financial responsibility to the <br />local jurisdiction to ensure the site is restored to preexisting conditions; and <br />e. The activity is not subject to the permit requirements of RCW 90.58.550 <br />(Oil and Natural Gas exploration in marine waters). <br />11. The process of removing or controlling an aquatic noxious weed, as defined <br />in RCW 17.26.020, through the use of an herbicide or other treatment methods applicable <br />to weed control that are recommended by a final environmental impact statement <br />published by the Department of Agriculture or the department jointly with other state <br />agencies under chapter 43.21 C RCW. <br />12. Watershed restoration projects, which means a public or private project <br />authorized by the sponsor of a watershed restoration plan that implements the plan or a <br />part of the plan and consists of one or more of the following activities: <br />a. A project that involves less than 10 miles of stream reach, in which less <br />than 25 cubic yards of sand, gravel, or soil is removed, imported, disturbed or discharged, <br />and in which no existing vegetation is removed except as minimally necessary to facilitate <br />additional plantings. <br />W: Legislative Development\SMP-Zoning Code changes 2-25-20 <br />MD:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 5 of 64 <br />