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Southcenter Plan Book 1: Community Intent <br />1.1. ORIENTATION <br />This Plan is both an implementation and a policy document, in that it is intended as a strategy for <br />change and as a regulatory policy to guide and govern future development within Tukwila's urban <br />center, Southcenter. This Subarea Plan establishes a planning and design framework to further the <br />vitality, functionality, and sustainability of the Southcenter area in accordance with market forces <br />and the community's vision for its primary commercial district. Book 1 of the Plan describes the <br />community's aspirations for Southcenter, and the physical outcomes that the Plan is intended to <br />orchestrate as new investment creates change. This first section of the Plan also outlines the means <br />by which the community intends to support and promote the realization of the vision of the future <br />Southcenter. Finally, Book 1 is intended to provide guidance for actions not specifically covered by <br />the development regulations or city actions that are contained in Books II and III of this Plan. <br />This plan recognizes a set of integrated principles that have produced the best places and cities <br />throughout the world. In Book I, these principles are translated into objectives and short term <br />strategies directing reinvestment and new development that successfully transitions Southcenter <br />from a suburban to a more urban center. The planning principles for great cities are as follows: <br />Make greatstreets. Street design dictates the form of individual blocks and buildings that <br />enclose each streetscape. "Complete streets" provide for pedestrian comfort, bicycle safety and <br />automobile movement according to their location and necessary function in the overall area. <br />Streets of various types are designed to further improve pedestrian crossing safety and balance <br />automotive speed with the needs of non motorized transportation. Where appropriate, streets <br />have on- street parking in order to provide a buffer between the moving traffic and the <br />pedestrian, thus diminishing perceived and actual danger. Further, in key commercial <br />environments, on- street parking plays a critical role in the daily and long -term viability of <br />businesses. <br />Break up the super blocks. The most effective redevelopments will be those that retrofit the <br />streets, blocks and lots to provide a compact, connected, walkable mix of uses and housing <br />types. Retrofitting the underlying layout of the streets and blocks transitions auto oriented <br />suburban patterns and behaviors into more sustainable ones. A fine network of interconnected <br />streets, rather than super blocks and limited number of roadways, encourages pedestrian <br />movement. Such a network also provides multiple routes that diffuse traffic, increasing the <br />options for travel to various destinations, improving safety response time and creating <br />alternatives for emergency access. <br />1 Adapted from the Santa Ana Renaissance Specific Plan, 2007 <br />W: \Long Range Projects \Southcenter Plan \Plan 2011 \Book 1 \FINAL Book 1_12.7.2011_PC.dou Page 1 <br />12/7/2011 <br />5 <br />