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Planning 2011-09-22 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review Public Hearing - ReHabitat Northwest / Southcenter Plan Briefing
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Planning 2011-09-22 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review Public Hearing - ReHabitat Northwest / Southcenter Plan Briefing
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PC/BAR Hearing Minutes <br />September 22, 2011 <br />together for either project to happen. Both projects met all of the criteria and staff recommended approval of <br />both projects subject to the conditions for each as listed in the September 22, 2(_)11 staff report. <br />Steve Detwiller, the applicant, ReHabitat Northwest thanked the Commission for reviewing the project and <br />also thanked Stacy for her hard -,work. Mr. Detwiller said that he felt confident -,with what they designed and <br />then he answered questions from the Commission. In response to a question raised by Commissioner <br />McLeod regarding what is considered affordable for the homes, Mr. Detwiller said that he wasn't sure in the <br />current economy, but said the homes may sell for between $275,000 $325,000. <br />PUBLIC TESTIMONY: <br />Barbara Bater, citizen, raised the following questions: Is home ownership being required or encouraged; <br />v, is responsible for implementing a Home Owners Association (HOA), making sure that it is legal, and <br />overseeing it; what is the timeframe of the project, how will the phases of the project affect the infrastructure; <br />and is the expected sale price of the homes realistic in this economy`? Concerns: Light shining in her <br />bedroom window; losing a portion of her view due to the height of the homes. Mrs. Bater also asked that the <br />developers be mindful of the tree heights, and colors. <br />Jimmie Jordan, citizen, raised the following questions: What will the 13 homes that exceed the sq. ft. listed <br />in the definition of cottage /compact single homes be classified as; what code or regulation will define the <br />homes; if the homes do not sell and are rented what population of people will they be rented to and hovv will it <br />impact the HOA; if rented out to low income or for section eight housing and it causes the surrounding <br />property to decrease in value is there anNihing the homeowners can do; why were so many homes allowed to <br />be built in such a small area; hovv will the number of church parking stalls impact the food bank; and are <br />there any such completed projects that he can go see? <br />Sharon Mann, Realtor and citizen, provided some information on requirements regarding the sq. ft. of living <br />space. She commented that it's important to have strong covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC &Rs) and <br />they can make or break the project. She also suggested that the developers should complete the landscaping, <br />and the HOA should take care of the maintenance. Mrs. Mann explained that most condominiums have <br />adopted a rule limiting the percentage of homes that can be rented at any one time. <br />Mary Kuntz, citizen and overseer of the Veterinaiv Hospital, expressed concern regarding who will maintain <br />the development, and the appearance of the project. <br />Jan Bolerjack, Pastor, Riverton United Methodist Church, stated that she lives in the parsonage and she does <br />not hear the dogs from the Veterinaiy Hospital. She noted that only ten percent of the homes are allowed to <br />be rented at anv one time. Ms. Bolerjack asked for clarification regarding when the property- would no longer <br />belong to the church, and when will they need to have the parking spaces and the pathwaN completed. <br />Pam Fernald, citizen of SeaTac expressed concern regarding traffic impacts, on street parking, congestion, <br />and said that she Nvas worried that there will be a bunch of rentals in the development. <br />REBUTTAL: <br />Stacy MacGregor, Assistant Plainer, Department of Community Development, provided clarifying <br />responses and /or explanations to the questions and concerns raised during public testimony_ She also <br />answered additional questions. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br />Pam Fernald asked for some clarification on the cottage housing projects and the approval of them. <br />Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director, Department of Community Development provided clarification on the <br />cottage housing project. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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