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PC/BAR Hearing Minutes <br />September 22, 2011 <br />Sharon Mann commented that marketing the cottage homes will have more success if they are listed as fee <br />simple rather than condos. <br />Jimmie Jordon, inquired due to lack of parking whether there was an agreement regarding parking with the <br />church, and would it affect their required parking spaces`? <br />Jan Bolerjack asked about the church's increased liability once the wallcwav becomes mandated, and who covers <br />the increased liability. She also asked for clarification on what the PC would be making a decision on at the <br />public hearing. <br />Barbara Bater asked for clarification on the number of church parking spaces. <br />Staff provided clarifi-ing answers to the additional questions raised. <br />Vice Chair McLeod, called for a recess at 8:35 <br />The public hearing reconvened at 8:=47. <br />There were no additional comments. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The PC /BAR deliberated. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />COMMISSIONER HANSEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CASE NUMBER L08 -051, DESIGN <br />REVIEW WITH STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONDITIONS. COMMISSIONER <br />FRANGELLO- ANDERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. <br />COMMISSIONER HANSEN MADE A FRIENDLY MOTION TO AMEND HIS ORIGINAL <br />MOTION ON CASE NUMBER L08 -052, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, WHICH DID NOT <br />INCLUDE ALL STAFF'S RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, TO THE FOLLOWING: <br />COMMISSIONER HANSEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CASE NUMBER L08 -052, <br />PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION BASED ON ALL OF STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND <br />CONDITIONS. COMMISSIONER STRANDER SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL WERE IN <br />FAVOR. <br />The briefing on the Southcenter Plan vvas deferred to the next meeting. <br />Submitted By: Wvnetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretai <br />Adjourned: 9:00 PM <br />Adopted: 1(_) /27/11 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />