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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />- Continued implementation of the City's Equity Policy <br />- Reimaging police services by starting a Mental Health Professional pilot program <br />- Maintaining current level of fire services <br />- No additional service or employee reductions above reductions in 2020 <br />- Continued investment in infrastructure <br />- Investment in technology <br />- Teen/Senior Center feasibility and programming <br />While the proposed budget did include funding for the priorities listed above, several <br />service reductions had to be maintained due to a continued reduction in revenue <br />projections. During budget deliberations, the City Council directed the restoration of some <br />services using the proposed budget surplus, including parks and street maintenance and <br />additional funding for human services. While some service levels were restored through <br />the budget and budget review process, several programs continue at a reduced level or <br />were eliminated in the adopted budget, including: <br />- Frozen positions in the Municipal Court, Parks, DCD, Police, Public Works, Admin <br />Services <br />- Elimination of SeeClickFix program <br />- Reduction of extra labor in certain departments, eliminated in other departments <br />- Reduction in supplies, services, non-essential training, and travel across all <br />departments <br />- Elimination of commute trip reduction incentives <br />- Elimination of funding for the Community Connectors program <br />- Programming at the Tukwila Community Center <br />In addition to the program reductions listed above, all departments have experienced <br />general line -item budget reductions for 2021, which leaves no room for <br />unplanned/unexpected expenditures that do occur each year. <br />If revenues return at a higher level than adopted in the budget, the City Council will need <br />to make decisions regarding the return of these services and service levels. <br />2021 Budget Issues <br />Before service levels can be restored, it is important to understand pressures on the <br />budget that will need to be addressed prior to restoring the service levels mentioned <br />above. Some of the areas include: <br />• Implementation of a previously agreed upon Teamsters' wage and compensation <br />study. Total impact for 2021 is as follows: <br />48 <br />