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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 3 <br />2021 Budget Impact <br />Admin Svcs $ 29,175 <br />Finance 18,757 <br />Recreation 15,168 <br />DCD 54,944 <br />Court 5,568 <br />Police 6,926 <br />Public Works 9,552 <br />Total General Fund $ 140,090 <br />Golf Course $ 15,136 <br />• Permit processing concerns due to impact of vacant and previously frozen <br />positions to process workload which has remained steady during the pandemic. <br />Currently, one associate planner position is frozen for a total budget of $147,600 <br />annual salary and benefits and a planning intern was laid off due to reductions in <br />the extra labor budget. Total extra labor budget reduction was $4,000. <br />Permit volumes have remained high through the pandemic but the Planning <br />Division now has fewer staff to process reviews due to frozen positions and <br />vacancies. In addition, the 10% furloughs and the need to develop procedures for <br />electronic plan review and train staff on new processes contributed to development <br />of a backlog of reviews that we are not able to work through at current staffing <br />levels. <br />Restoring the associate planner and planning intern would address the permit review <br />response times and eventually allow staff to address long-range code and policy updates. <br />• Increase in Fire Department overtime costs due to a minimum staffing settlement <br />agreement with the Local IAFF #2088. <br />Costs per overtime shift to maintain minimum staffing depends on which position is <br />backfilled. A firefighter will cost $1,500 per shift, a captain $1,700 per shift and a battalion <br />chief will cost $2,000 per shift. Estimated increase to overtime budget for 2021 will be <br />$200, 000. <br />Ongoing vs One-time Revenues <br />As Council and Administration consider how and when to restore service levels it will be <br />important to keep in mind adopted financial policies that state one-time revenue will be <br />used for one-time expenditures and ongoing revenue will be used for ongoing <br />expenditures. This will also be an opportune time to re -envision how services are <br />provided. Staff will be providing updated projections on ongoing revenues, such as sales <br />tax and gambling tax, to gauge how these revenues are matching or exceeding original <br />2021-2022 Budget expectations. There are also one-time revenues that staff will be <br />tracking, such as possible Streamlined Sales Tax funds which may be allocated during <br />the current state legislative session. <br />State Funding - Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) Mitigation Funds <br />HB 1521 would restore the SST funding program until 2026, which was approved by the <br />legislature in 2020 but vetoed by the Governor due to the pandemic and associated <br />49 <br />