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PC Meeting <br />4/22/21 <br />Page 2 <br />Staff provided explanation regarding the letter received from the applicant's Attorney. Staff said when <br />the packet was sent to the PC, having coordinated with the applicant, they believed it included all <br />comments, revisions, and recommendations intended for PC review. However, staff noted they <br />received the applicant's letter requesting revisions after the PC packet was sent out. Staff said they did <br />not have time to fully review the letter and the requested revisions prior to the public hearing, and that <br />their recommendations were made prior to receiving the letter. Staff noted options for potential next <br />steps. <br />Nicole DeLeon, Attorney, for the applicant, provided some context for the letter that was circulated to <br />the PC. She said the applicant has had several meetings with staff, and that hopefully the issues and <br />concerns they still need to resolve can be worked out. <br />Mike Pruett, for the applicant, walked through the requests in the letter submitted by Ms. DeLeon, and <br />provided some clarification. <br />The PC were in consensus that staff should have the opportunity to review the requests in the <br />applicant's letter and provide their recommendations to the Commission; the recreation area should be <br />on-site, and the project should come back to the PC as soon as possible. <br />Following are some of the PC other comments, concerns, and questions pertaining to the requests in the <br />applicant's letter: <br />Commissioner Mann <br />- she said she is not in favor of removing the highlighted section on page five of the applicant's <br />letter, related to larger off-site recreational areas. <br />- She suggested the following language for the definition for the offsite recreation area — "it shall <br />be no further than a half mile from the nearest residential unit/building of the project". <br />- She said she agrees with the request on page eight, related to establishing a maximum block <br />perimeter. <br />- She requested that staff provide input on how the other requests from the applicant will affect <br />the development standards, particularly the recreational area. <br />Commissioner Martinez <br />- He expressed concern with the dead-end street on the site and asked the applicant if they would <br />provide security. <br />- He stated that he wanted the DCD Director's input on the applicant's requests. <br />Commissioner Simmons <br />- Concurred with both Commissioner Mann and Martinez. <br />- She requested that staff review the applicant's requests and provide their recommendations to <br />the Commission. <br />Commissioner Stark <br />- Concurred with the comments made by the other Commissioners. <br />- She expressed concern on how to denote the perimeter block area. <br />- She said she agrees with the maximum block perimeter definition. <br />2 <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: Mayr • Website: <br />