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PC Meeting <br />4/22/21 <br />Page 3 <br />- Said she is in favor of the requested revision to allow flexibility for a dead-end street. <br />Commissioner Reay <br />- She said she echoes pretty much everything the other Commissioners said. <br />- She said the requests in the letter seemed reasonable to her and that it is standard in other <br />development projects throughout Puget Sound. <br />- She said it would be premature to decide on the project without staff having the opportunity to <br />review the applicant's requests. <br />Commissioner Strander <br />- Concurred with the comments from the other Commissioners. <br />- She suggested continuing the public hearing so all the questions could be answered and to give <br />staff and the applicant time to work out the issues. <br />- She said she was curious why off-site recreation space is required and whether it was required <br />for other projects in the city. <br />- She requested clarification regarding the definition for determining the recreational area. <br />- She inquired why the project is not funded as part of the open space and trails for the City's <br />capital projects. She asked when, or if the rest of the TSO trails will be funded. DCD staff and <br />Brandon Miles, from the Mayor's Office, responded to her inquires. <br />Mike Pruett, for the applicant, provided clarification regarding Commissioner Mann's comments <br />related to the highlighted area on page 5 of the applicant's letter. <br />Staff provided additional information concerning the connectivity section that was discussed during the <br />PowerPoint presentation. This included clarification of how block perimeter would be calculated, what <br />standards would apply to street and pedestrian path design, etc. <br />PUBLIC TESTIMONY <br />There were no public comments. <br />Deliberations were postponed allowing staff the opportunity to review the requests in the applicant's letter, <br />resolve remaining issues, and for staff to provide recommendations for the PC consideration. Another public <br />hearing will be scheduled, to a date to be determined, to hold deliberations. There will be a 14 -day notice period <br />for the new public hearing. <br />Chair Strander closed the public hearing. <br />Nora Gierioff, Director, DCD stated she looks forward to spending more time with the Commissioners. <br />DIRECTOR'S REPORT: None <br />Adjourned: 8:20 p.m. <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />