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PC Public Hearing <br />7/22/21 <br />Page 2 <br />Director Gierloff noted that emergency shelters and housing must be permitted where hotels are permitted, in <br />regional commercial, various industrial, and Tukwila South Districts. Also, transitional/supportive housing must <br />be permitted where hotels or housing is permitted. All zoning is encompassed citywide. These mandatory <br />changes for housing facilities are needed, and the goal is to proportionally distribute them across the State. There <br />are different kinds of shelters and supportive housing, but Tukwila currently allows for one type, which is for <br />domestic violence survivors. There are a few currently in Tukwila, which are single family homes or duplexes. <br />These few will be exempt from the new standards proposed in the ordinance, because the needs are different than <br />those of larger facilities. <br />Although the facilities are mandated, each city has control over operational criteria, to ensure increased success <br />of the facilities, and over location, so as to prevent excessive facilities, while accommodating an equitable share <br />of facilities. <br />A walkthrough was provided of staff's proposed changes and criteria to the ordinance. Also, next steps were <br />provided. <br />PUBLIC TESTIMONY <br />There were no public comments. <br />Director Gierloff and the City Attorney addressed several clarifying questions for the PC. <br />Commissioner Strander closed the public hearing. <br />DELIBERATIONS <br />There was extensive discussion on several issues. Following are some of the noted questions and concerns. <br />Is it the ultimate goal to not have single-family zoning in Tukwila? <br />Will the State provide funding so cities will have the capacity to accommodate mandates? <br />Non -Tukwila residents should not be allowed to seek shelter at Tukwila facilities. <br />What are the implications if the State's 9/30/21 deadline is not met? <br />Will walkability be determined for facilities located within a half -mile of transits? <br />Concern was expressed regarding property values of homeowners adjacent to the facilities being <br />impacted. <br />Will the current shelters in the community be permitted to count toward the mandates? <br />Clarification was requested on why ADU's will be addressed at a later time. <br />Is there any way to separate residents within the shelters? <br />There was a walk-through of the proposed Ordinance Language. <br />PC recommended revised language to the Ordinance Language (see motions below) <br />MOTIONS: <br />Commissioner Mann moved to amend language for 18.06.XXX Transitional Housing, to read; <br />"Transitional housing" means a facility that provides housing, case management, and supportive <br />services to homeless persons or families and that has as its purpose facilitating the movement of <br />homeless persons and families into independent living." Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed. <br />2 <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />