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design of the townhome units helps to differentiate the units within the same building from one <br />another, and also helps to reduce the appearance of the building mass. <br />Materials and Colors <br />Materials used for the building exteriors will primarily be wood, with the addition of stone veneer <br />to the base of the front elevation of units facing the street along 34"' Ave S and S 144' Street. A <br />combination of horizontal and vertical wood siding and cedar shingles will be used on building <br />exteriors. Cedar shingles will be used primarily on the side elevation modulations. They will also <br />be used as the siding material on the first floor on some of the units (See Building C in Attachment <br />B, Sheet A4) and as the material used for the upper portion of the roof on other units (see Front <br />Elevation of Building B in Attachment B, Sheet A3). <br />A neutral color palette that includes seven different color schemes, all of which are in the same <br />color family, has been submitted. Additionally, some of the wood shingles on the buildings will be <br />painted, and others will be a natural wood color. Front doors on the units will be painted with <br />either the trim color or red (see color sample in Attachment E). All colors to be used for the <br />project, including the seven different color schemes, a picture sample of the wood finish for the <br />shingle, and red door color are included in Attachment E. For each building, at least three colors <br />will be used, to include a color for the body of the unit, an accent color, and a trim color. The <br />isometric color rendering showing the entire development (Attachment C) provides an example of <br />how the different color schemes will be distributed throughout the site. Please note that the colors <br />on the isometric drawing are not an exact match to the actual colors that will be used according to <br />the paint sample colors contained in Attachment E. <br />Garage Design <br />The original design for the Osterly Park Townhomes included a long row of townhouses, with <br />garages accessed directly off the private access drive. A change to this design was suggested in <br />order that units adjacent to S 144' Street and 34"' Ave S would have the front elevation, including <br />the front door, facing the street. Additionally, there was concern about having the garage doors <br />accessed directly from the private access road, so the design of the townhome buildings was <br />changed so that there would be duplex units on either side of the access road, with each grouping <br />of units sharing a common garage access area separated from the private access road. The location <br />of the garages off the private access road also helps to screen the garage doors from view. <br />An exception to this pattern is the C Building, which has garages accessed from the private access <br />road. On these units, the building modulation over the garages helps recess the garages doors, <br />minimizing their appearance. The front doors and balconies on the building help to create a <br />relationship between the building and the private access road. <br />The garages for all the building types include a window on the side elevation so that the garages <br />appear to contain habitable space and to create visual interest along the first floor elevation. As <br />shown in the colored elevations, the garage doors incorporate windows, and will be painted to <br />match the color scheme of the buildings. <br />JR Pa Lc 12 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />4 0 HADcsip RcvicwvOtitcrly Townhomcsv1 -08 -076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />