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Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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2012-03-22 Planning Commission - Osterly Park Townhomes
Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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III. LANDSCAPE I SITE TREATMENT <br />Landscape Design and Design for Screening and Separation <br />In the landscape design for the Osterly Park Townhomes, the plantings are arranged to focus <br />attention to high- visibility locations of the site, to reduce the appearance of paved areas by adding <br />greenery, and to provide for screening and separation. <br />Two of the areas of the site in which there is a notable concentration and variety of plantings <br />include the front yard areas at the back side of the public sidewalk along S 144 Street and 34 <br />Ave S. The concentration of tress and shrubs at these entry points to the site help to signal the <br />entrance to the development while at the same time helping to separate the public realm of the <br />sidewalk from the private development. <br />Other areas on the site with a high concentration of plantings include the two recreation spaces, <br />including the kids' play space and the more passive recreation area that includes a picnic table and <br />open lawn area. The large number and variety of plantings helps to make the recreation areas focal <br />points within the development. Shrubs placed at the back of curb and along the perimeter help to <br />direct pedestrian traffic along the sidewalks into the recreation areas, and to provide a sense of <br />enclosure that still allows passersby and residents in surrounding buildings to casually observe <br />activity. <br />The location of shrubs and trellises adjacent to the sidewalks along the access drive similarly <br />direct pedestrian traffic moving to the front entrance of townhouse units, while acting as a <br />symbolic barrier to separate the more public space of the private access drive from the front <br />yard /private recreation areas of the townhouse units. Landscaping within the southeastern corner <br />of the site, where the front entrances to triplex units are located along the south property line, <br />includes several trees which help to screen from view the adjacent apartment building located to <br />the south. The location of trees on the south side of units B 12 and B 13 also works to help screen <br />from view the La Roche apartment building located to the east. <br />In order to reduce the appearance of paved area on the site, changes that were made to the original <br />landscape plan include the following: <br />Street trees were added to the southern portion of the private access road in between areas <br />of on- street parking. In contrast to the northern area of the project site, the parcel <br />configuration within the southern area of the site provided more width to allow room for <br />on- street parking and landscape islands to accommodate street trees. <br />A two -foot landscape strip in between the townhome buildings and the sidewalk along the <br />private access road was added. While relatively narrow, these two -foot spaces provide <br />enough room for plantings including bamboo and tall growing grasses, which help add <br />greenery on either side of the private access road, while at the same time helping to screen <br />blank wall areas along the sides of first story of the townhome buildings. Trellises attached <br />to the side elevation of the townhome building also help to add greenery to the streetseape <br />while adding visual interest to the side of the townhome buildings. <br />A trellis attached to the wall area in between the garage doors on the rear elevation of each <br />building was added (with the exception of the "C" units, which have the front door of the <br />units on the same side of the building as the garage doors). <br />JR Pa Lc 13 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Otitcrly Townhomcs \L08-076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 41 <br />
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