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Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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2012-03-22 Planning Commission - Osterly Park Townhomes
Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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One of the spaces is intended to provide on -site recreation space for children aged 5 -12; the other <br />is intended for all ages, including adult residents, for picnics and passive recreation. <br />The kids' play space is approximately 3100 square feet and is located on the north and west sides <br />of the private access drive in the middle of the site. Its location in the center of the development <br />allows for casual surveillance of activity by surrounding townhome units. The raised pedestrian <br />walkways and patterned pavement within the private access road help to signify that this area of <br />the site is different from other areas, so that motor vehicle operators will be more watchful as they <br />move through this area of the site. The play space will be surrounded by a low metal fence, with <br />gates on the east and south sides of the recreation space, made of the same black metal used for the <br />fence used at the street front (see detail in Attachment B, Sheet A5). Play equipment proposed has <br />been selected to meet the needs of the 5 -12 year old age group, including facilitating group <br />interaction and skill testing. Large rocks will provide additional climbing /play opportunities for <br />children, as well as potential seating for adults supervising their children. Benches will also be <br />located within the recreation area to provide seating see Attachment E for pictures of proposed <br />play equipment and metal benches). <br />The other recreation area is approximately 1400 square feet, and is located on the south side of the <br />private access drive to the south of the children's play space. This recreation area contains a picnic <br />table and an open lawn area with benches. The recreation activities in this area are intended to be <br />less intense, including activities such as reading, dog walking, picnicking, etc. <br />IV. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES .STREET FURNITURE <br />Lighting <br />Samples of the proposed light fixtures have been submitted with a draft lighting plan (see <br />Attachment E). Lighting fixtures proposed include decorative street lamps, and square lights that <br />will be recessed within the townhouse buildings. The draft lighting plan submitted by the applicant <br />showed lighting levels that would be very bright. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of <br />approval that the lighting plan be resubmitted with the Public Works construction permit, and <br />reviewed administratively according to lighting level requirements contained in TMC section <br />18.52.065, the Tukwila Infrastructure Design and Construction Standards, and recommendations <br />from the Tukwila Police Department. <br />Fencing, Walls, and Screening <br />Three different types of fences are used in the Osterly Park Townhomes Project. Details for these <br />fences are shown on Sheet A5 of Attachment B. <br />1. Decorative fences to include a sign with the name of the development project will be <br />placed along the front property line along S 144 Street and 34 Ave S. These fences will <br />be a maximum height of 4 feet, and are proposed to be made of black metal with fence <br />posts faced with the same stone veneer material that will used on the base of townhome <br />units facing the public streets along S 144 Street and 34 Ave S. The black metal used for <br />the street front fence is the same fence that will be used to separate the recreation spaces <br />from the private access drive. This type of black metal fence will completely enclose the <br />recreation space designed as a children's play area. <br />2. A low wooden fence will be used to provide a sense of separation and privacy for the front <br />entrance areas to the units facing S 144 Street and 34 Ave S. <br />JR Pa Lc 15 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Otitcrly Townhomcs \1_08 -076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 43 <br />
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