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3. A 6 -foot tall perimeter fence will be placed along all other property lines to provide <br />privacy and separation from surrounding development. <br />Service Areas <br />The applicant met with the waste removal company to determine that individual waste containers <br />will be used for garbage and recycling service. The draft "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, <br />Restrictions, Easements and Agreements for Osterly Park Townhomes" states that garbage and <br />recycling containers must be kept in garages until the day designated for pickup. Further, the <br />CC &Rs state that the Association may adopt rules as necessary to manage the disposal of garbage <br />and recycling. <br />The location and type of mailboxes to serve the units in this project has been reviewed by the <br />postmaster. The cluster mailbox structure will be located on the south side of the private access <br />drive; adjacent to 34"' Ave S. Sheet A4 of Attachment B shows the proposed design of the <br />structure that will house the mailbox cluster. The mailbox structure will be made of wood, with a <br />peaked roof for weather protection. <br />It has not yet been determined where the individual meters for the units, or electrical boxes for the <br />lighting, will be located. As a condition of approval of the design review application, staff <br />suggests screening of individual meters be included as part of the building permit review for each <br />townhouse building, and screening for electrical boxes and similar equipment necessary for <br />project infrastructure be included as part of the review of the Public Works construction permit. <br />.Street Farnitaare <br />Attachment E includes pictures of the bench proposed within the recreation areas, which has a <br />metal base and seating material made of recycled plastic with a natural wood color. The picnic <br />table shall be consistent in color and material with other site furnishings such as the benches. <br />Additionally, large rocks placed within the recreation areas will provide climbing opportunities for <br />small children, and can potentially provide additional seating. Attachment E contains pictures of <br />the proposed street lights which will be used throughout the site, including the recreation areas. <br />CONCLUSIONS DESIGN REVIEW <br />Site Planning <br />A combination of landscaping, fences, and building orientation helps to accomplish transitions <br />from public to private spaces. These elements help the development to present an aesthetically <br />pleasing entrance, or "face to the neighborhood, while at the same time making use of <br />landscaping and low fences as barriers to signal that the townhome project is a private <br />residential community. <br />The arrangement of buildings on the site works to screen from view some of the large walls of <br />the buildings adjacent to the project. Shared garage access areas help to move vehicle <br />maneuvering out of the private access road, while at the same time working to screen the <br />garage access areas from view so that that the garage doors are not a dominant feature along <br />the streetscape. On- street parking spaces provide parking for guests to the site. These parking <br />spaces are broken into groupings by landscaping islands with street trees, which help to <br />minimize the pavement area within the southern portion of the access road. <br />JR Pa Lc 16 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />4 4 HADcsip RcvicwvOtitcrly Townhomcsv1_08-076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />